Electronics Forum: air store (Page 1 of 7)

Water Soluble Paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 31 08:57:19 EDT 2005 | PWH

One more thing to think about - if placing BGA's using water sol., you must ensure they are clean and dry beneath the component post wash. A few ways to do this. Simplest is to use DI from low pressurized nozzle and hand wash them at different atta

Baking FR-4 PWB's prior to reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 21 17:32:48 EST 2000 | Charles Barker

Greetings all you knowledgable SMT persons! 1. Typically, for multi-layer (6-8 layers), FR4, SMT boards stored in an air conditioned environment at about 50+/- 10% RH, how many months (or years) would you allow to pass before you would recommend bak

Mishandled OSP

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 15 09:56:50 EDT 2003 | russ

A lot of this depends on the initial quality of the OSP. I have had boards that aren't any good being stored air tight for one day. While believe it or not, I recently used boards that were opened and sat for 1 1/2 years and we built them with no pr

Mixed Technology

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 09:31:41 EDT 2000 | Daniel

Hi! Does anyone have experience from PCBs with mixed technology. Do you store the PCBs in nitrogen/dry air cabinetts if you�re not able to wavesolder the PCBs within the same day. What considerations need to be taken concerning popcorning/delaminati

Parts Blowing off in Reflow Oven

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 01 10:54:25 EDT 2005 | vikkaraja

I had similar issue with our new 1809 Heller Oven recently. It was blowing off some of the lighter parts. I tried kitchen exhaust fan mesh screen (you can pick this up at your local hardware store). Once I knew it was air flow issue, I played with b

Re: Baffling soldering problems!

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 30 20:56:31 EDT 1998 | Tony Barry

Assuming that your components and PCB's have good solerderabillty and are stored in an air conditioned environment and kept free of contaminants then your problem sounds as though there is insufficient wetting of the component leads due to low temper

Air Moisture in Production

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 08 09:53:23 EST 2010 | fönsi

Hello Because of the cold weather, we had some troubles with drying out of printed solder paste on the pcb's. The relative humidity in the air declined below of 20%. We have a process window of store the printed board for maximum 24 hours, but with

Moisture ingression on components

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 13 05:13:22 EDT 2000 | C.Long

Anyone have any ideas as how to track the amount of air exposure to SRAMS etc as thay move from stores onto the production floor. i am looking for ideas as how to track the exposure time from the time they are taken out of ther packaging to the time

Micropax continued

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 24 09:13:17 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

Again, I really appreciate the valuable input you all provided. Got my Air-Vac SRM4 machine Friday afternoon. Stored it safely in my cube over the week-end for safe keeping. Tried to find 220V single phase next to air with no luck yesterday. Electric

SMT Production Floor & Component Store/ware house RH Control

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 01:37:09 EST 2007 | grantp

Hi, If you need to get a humidity target, the best way is to run the air conditioning plant very cold, which will drop the moisture out of the air, and then you can reheat to the required temp, and install humidifiers to re humidify the air to the r

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