Electronics Forum: air vac drs 20 (Page 1 of 9)

Rework and repair system suggestions

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 06:39:59 EST 2005 | reash

For now, on this first board, we will be reworking components such as 0805 and 1210 size caps and resistors, along with SOT-23 and SC-70 size packages. We might eventually get into BGAs. This board will most likely be a double-sided board, probably


Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 20 18:21:55 EDT 2007 | Hegemon

Consider how the vast majority of PCBs with BGAs are produced. Forced air convection. Anything that comes closer to duplication of the original soldering profile is what you desire. Did they build it with IR or Convection? The process engineer wa

Air-Vac DRS24-25

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 19 17:09:56 EDT 2007 | hegemon

We have both DRS24 and DRS25 Lead Free rework is done for the most part on the DRS25, although the DRS24 can handle some of our smaller pbFree assemblies. We bought the DRS25 machine new, it was not an upgrade. The machine is very successful at pb

Re: BGA-2000 Micro Oven

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 20 15:11:26 EST 2000 | Russ

I tested out the OK unit and found it to be a "down and dirty" rework machine that will do BGAs if demeanding thermal requirements are not needed. My largest concern was the lack of bottom side preheat. I have recently purchased the Air-Vac DRS24 a

Re: looking for bga rework station

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 09 12:46:10 EDT 1999 | Bob Barr

I have been using an Air-Vac DRS-22 for almost two years with very good results. Once a profile is developed it is very repeatable. The DRS-22 is no longer available, however. It has been replaced by the DRS-24. Unfortunately, the DRS-24 has a lo

Air-Vac DRS24-25

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 18 11:18:46 EDT 2007 | rmitchell

Hi, Anyone have the DRS25 rework machine and use it for lead free BGA's? Anyone upgraded their DRS24 to a DRS25? We may pay to upgrade our 24 to a 25 to improve our Lead Free BGA rework process. Thanks, Rob

Air-Vac DRS24

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 06 13:41:29 EDT 2004 | mdang

I am looking to buy an used Air-Vac DRS 24. Does anyone has experience with it? What do I need to look for and what different between the 24 and 24C? Thanks for your help. -Michael

BGA Rework Equipment

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 06 17:18:25 EST 2007 | GS

Ask Air Vac (US) or Zevac for EU and ASIA. They have now a DRS-24 upgrading Kit for Leed-Free, main change is in the bottom heater. Air Vac- Zevac, made the ONIX series, the follow on of DRS models. Regards.....GS

BGA rework station

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 05 20:31:39 EST 2013 | hegemon

Air Vac DRS25. Hands down the best rework EQ. (my humble opinion, based on my own experience with rework EQ going back 15 years +) Right in your budget. Complete capability for rework. SMD, BGA, POP. Full profiling capability. Massive bottom heati

Rework Station for Large PCBs

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 23 08:52:20 EDT 2018 | mgerrior

Hey Everyone, looking to purchase a new rework station to support large PCBs. Currently up to a maximum of ~ 21" x 18". Does anyone have experience with any of the following equipment or can recommend from other manufacturers? - VJ: Summit 2200

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