Electronics Forum: air-vac pcbrm (Page 1 of 3)

Solder fountains - opinions

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 01 11:02:51 EST 2008 | flipit

You could also try Wenesco and Air Vac. I have experience on the Air Vac PCBRM10 and PCBRM12. They work great. You have to make sure your nozzle or flow well is designed correctly. For 50 mil pitch and greater, they work well. If you have to rem

Looking for Air-Vac PCBRM-12 User Manual

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 29 23:18:37 EDT 2008 | rfematt

Hope some one can email me the user manual for an Air-Vac PCBRM-12 (rfematt@hotmail.com). Already asked the manufacturer, still waiting for an answer. Thanks, Rafael.

Need a table top mini wave

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 24 18:00:53 EST 2005 | russ

I would take a look at Air-Vac PCBRM models, I think they may be what you are looking for.

Looking for table top wave soldering machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 31 11:34:44 EDT 2006 | flipit

Could you get by using a Wenesco or Air Vac PCBRM10 wave pot instead of an entire wave soldering machine?

How to add thru hole to SMT line

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 21 09:01:38 EDT 2003 | russ

Wave solder - Initially high cost but after that it is relatively cheap. Selective soldering with a solder pot such as the Air-Vac PCBRM models - Much lower cost than wave but if you get the right nozzles it is a great process. Solder preforms - s

Re: Selective soldering

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 09 14:01:24 EDT 1998 | Bob Barr

Charles, I am using an Air-Vac PCBRM12 to selectively solder a 96 pin thru-hole connector onto an otherwise all SMT board. Cost is $8.6K plus about $300 per flow well (nozzle.) Went from a 6 minute cycle to hand solder the connector to 15 seconds o

soldering robot

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 12 16:59:24 EDT 2007 | flipit

If you want an inexpensive, good, somewhat dedicated, solution, then I would use a desktop wave pot like Wenesco or better yet Air Vac. The PCBRM10 or PCBRM12 from Air Vac may still be available. Can find on Ebay also. They have a quick change, pr

Solder Fountain Recomendation

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 29 07:37:45 EDT 2012 | davef

The current discussion about solder fountains has to do with copper dissolution. Broadly, copper dissolution is the weakening of copper traces where a trace and a barrel plating intersect due a loss of the copper into the solder. Longer contact time

Re: Selective Soldering

Electronics Forum | Sun Jan 10 19:51:20 EST 1999 | Chris G.

| I need leads on equipment vendors for selective soldering systems. I have information about ERSA and Seho already. I want to contact Air Vac in particular, but I can't find thier phone number. Thanks for the help | Jim, Below are a couple of

Re: Selective Soldering

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 00:16:15 EST 1999 | Jason Nipper

| | I need leads on equipment vendors for selective soldering systems. I have information about ERSA and Seho already. I want to contact Air Vac in particular, but I can't find thier phone number. Thanks for the help | | | Jim, | | Below are a

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