Electronics Forum: airvac and 4

Rework and repair system suggestions

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 28 09:30:07 EST 2005 | reash

Well the powers that be actually want to go with a regular rework station, for future growth. I guess they plan on using BGAs sometime in the near future. We're also planning on using a D-Pak device in this first board. So now we're looking at the

Rework and repair system suggestions

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 27 06:39:59 EST 2005 | reash

For now, on this first board, we will be reworking components such as 0805 and 1210 size caps and resistors, along with SOT-23 and SC-70 size packages. We might eventually get into BGAs. This board will most likely be a double-sided board, probably

SMT and BGA Rework Machine

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 22 03:04:07 EDT 2006 | PP

Any help/suggestion is much appreciated I am doing lots of BGA Reworks from a small uBGA with a few balls to a large BGA with over 1500 balls. The reworks have been done on SRT 1100 Series Machine for many years. SRT 1100 Machine is good for the c

Pick and Place Camera sees Red

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 09:41:51 EDT 2005 | PWH

If you do find your camera is bad, I think they are relatively easy to replace if you get a new one. I have done a 1.0 and 4.0 GSM camera replacements but not a PEC as of yet. If it's like the 1.0 and 2.6 and 4.0's, likely it is not tough but will

BGA: reworking BGAs, testing and inspection

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 11 15:07:49 EST 2010 | hegemon

With regards to the rework, size and mass of the PCBs is important, in addition to the size of the components that are to be reworked. You might be in the game with $6K (APE Chipmaster Hot Air machine with Preheater or similar setup) if you have sma

Re: uBGA rework and X-Ray inspection

Electronics Forum | Sun Apr 16 14:37:25 EDT 2000 | Roberto Navarro

Hi, I work for Nortel and here rework BGA'S we use DRS22 rework station and CRT 2000 X-ray inspection. The main problem is put again the BGA on the PCB because you need reboling the PCB and you could damage the soldermask. Talking about Air-vac is ve


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