Electronics Forum: align (Page 1 of 111)

quad align init problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 10:53:24 EDT 2010 | evertonsanches

Hello Sir, in this situation I recommend you to check and reconect the conectors of Quad Align Board and also of Quad Align Sensor. Everton - Brasil

quad align init problem

Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 10:01:23 EDT 2010 | jmw

Just a slight correction....the quad align card is located at the back rear right of the machine (in a cage). If it is a cyber-optics 4c machine....the laser align card is in the front card rack to the far left.

quad align init problem

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 23 09:13:04 EDT 2010 | kdaglio

for the last couple of days when i power up our quad iv, i get assembler is off errors. i cannot get the machine and the quad align to start. any help is gratly appreciated.

quad align init problem

Electronics Forum | Thu May 20 09:47:25 EDT 2010 | pforister

Is this a single head Quad IVc or a dual headed line? if it is a dual line you can swap the align cards in the front bay between the two heads and see if the symptom follows. The card on the far right is a transport card, shouldn't need to swap tha

Quad 4C laser align calibration

Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 09:21:37 EDT 2016 | bobpan

Everytime I have seen an offset like that it was dirt on the quad-align lens.....try cleaning it off with alcohol and a lint free cloth. If this does not fix it....you may have dirt inside the quad align itself. I am assuming you have checked to ma

Quad 4C laser align calibration

Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 15:13:47 EDT 2016 | bobpan

If there is dust (on the glass) off from the center of the lens it will add it to the part when scanning it and place off. I have ran into this twice.....I fixed it once by breaking the lens on the quad align and blowing it out.....another time I hel

Quad 4C laser align calibration

Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 15:16:28 EDT 2016 | bobpan

oh ya....i forgot....to verify this....turn off all the extents for the parts and just pick them and place them....if they are very close to where they should be then it is the quad align causing the problem....this is how you can verify it. Copy the

Quad 4C laser align calibration

Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 22:32:28 EDT 2016 | stevedc

So, I haven't used my Quad 4C for a while and when I started everything back up to run a new board it appears that the Quad align is in need of calibration. When I pick up a component and do an LAE measurement on it it shows the part center location

Quad 4C laser align calibration

Electronics Forum | Thu May 26 17:45:36 EDT 2016 | stevedc

Thanks for the thoughts. I will try a few things tonight so see if I can clean anything from the windows. As always, thanks for your thoughts and time :) BR, Steve

Quad 4C laser align calibration

Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 09:27:56 EDT 2016 | bobpan

Glad I can help....if you have any other questions...go to my web page @ www.precision-repairs.com Bob

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