Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 18 16:30:30 EST 2006 | davef
380SR-flux gel is sold by Cobar. Look here: http://www.lumileds.com/pdfs/AB10.PDF This application note suggests: * �#1;Metals 390DH4 * �#1;Metals LR735 * �#1;Metals NS4029 * ESP 6#1;412 * Cobar 380SR#1;flux gel Comments are: * "�#1;Metals" is "A
Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 18 19:58:10 EDT 2000 | Dave F
broad answer. There's tons of suppliers. Go to "Circuit Assembly" magazine web site and look-up flux suppliers in the "Buyers Guide." Broad line suppliers are Kester, Alpha ... They will make you answer: I'm joining bla, bla, bla metals, using b
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 29 09:33:37 EST 1999 | Chrys Shea
| I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | Do you have any contact details with
Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 30 08:11:27 EST 1999 | George Steele
| | I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | | Do you have any contact detail
Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 05 08:25:31 EDT 1999 | ADRIANO FERNANDES
| | | I require some feed back from any one who knows about using a voc free flux in a nitrogen wave solder machine soldering both through hle and smt componants. | | | What disadvantages are there when using this flux? | | | Do you have any contact
Electronics Forum | Sat Jan 10 10:28:06 EST 2004 | tommy
Is it possible to have zero flux or paste spattering for all smt reflow pcbs. We are seeing around 0.4% of flux spattering and looking forward to zero defect.
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 14 06:42:38 EST 2004 | tommy
We see spattered(spitting of flux or solder to nearby area) solder/flux on gold fingers.We view the gold fingers area under 30x before reflow and it is cleaned but after reflow we see flux droplets or solder on gold fingers. We tried to changed a new
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 12 11:51:15 EST 2004 | Hussman
I don't believe you'll get an exact zero flux with no-clean pastes. Water soluable yes, but I don't see it happening with no-clean; at least not this year. As for spatter, you should be able to control this. Can you define what you call "spatter"?
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 14 08:28:46 EST 2004 | davef
Search the fine SMTnet Archives for background on solder on gold fingers. As we recall: * Paste selection * Proper reflow recipe tuning ... are important.
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 18 15:28:10 EST 2007 | CK the Flip
If you are, in fact, running a No-Clean solder paste: Different no-clean solder pastes will leave different types of (benign) residues. If your paste has been qualified from a Bellcore/SIR/Electromigration standpoint, any residues remaining will NO