Electronics Forum: alpha particle (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Solder Paste Dispense problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 30 21:13:55 EST 2000 | Dave F

Can't find "WS601" on the Alpha site. What is that stuff? So, with nothing to go on, I'll just guess ... Yer probably cold welding the solder particles together. The nozzle size (inside diameter) determines the dot size. * With glue, small dot si

Solder particals in the oven?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 04 12:54:00 EDT 2002 | Bob

Hi, We are manufacturing a small PCB with large areas of gold plating. We experience from time to time what appear to be solder splashes on the gold areas. I do not believe the contamination to be from "outgassing" due to the distance from the dep


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