Electronics Forum: alpha solder (Page 1 of 38)

solder balls

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 16 21:29:03 EDT 2001 | davef

Cleaning RMA with water is bad news. It will turn your solder connections white and remove none of the RMA residues. There was a thread on removing RMA within the past two weeks on SMTnet. Check the fine SMTnet Archives. Additionally, look at M

No solder and solder bridge after Wave solder machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 17 20:51:16 EST 2005 | cangly

Morning Mike, We use Pb63/Sn37, Alpha Metal alloy. Solder pot is at 250 C. The profile of board after Preheat about 100 C, Lambda Wave about 220C (use both Lambda and Chip wave), DWell time 2.1s ~ 3s. Conveyor speed 1.5 in/min. We run by bare board a

Used solder paste removal

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 06 17:02:40 EST 2003 | Kris

Try alpha fry technologies. http://www.frymetals.com/manufacturing/solder_reclain1.html

Alpha HI FLO solder

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 06 11:17:33 EST 1999 | Gregg Reick

We are currently fighting a dross battle on our non-inerted waves. We are currently using a bar solder that barely meets QQS-571 for Alloy/Impurity. Is anybody using HI FLO in a non inerted wave? Do you see a measureable decrease in dross? Thanks

Type 4 solder paste

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 13:22:15 EDT 2004 | babe

Try another solder paste manufacturer. Aim out of Rhode Island, Alpha and or Kester. I'm sure that they will be of better assistance than the current supplier. Good Luck

dry solder paste

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 27 13:42:44 EST 2005 | pmdeuel

So true, We had paste flux supplied to us from Alpha metals. It was the same as used in the solder paste. The major problem we noted was the in ability to control the ratio of paste to flux resulting in lots of voids. When we mixed enough to get the

solder alloy preforms

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 19 15:01:03 EDT 2011 | rdoss

Not sure who you've already looked at, but i know Alpha Metals has preforms.

Type 4 solder paste

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 14 05:44:36 EDT 2004 | hun

Hi All, Just have a share with you guy. We are using T4 solder paste and also E-Stencil. We ahd try out Alpha, Kester, AIM and Qualitek. The result show Alpha had a very very heavy stack flux and can't get it clean off even by chemical

Type 4 solder paste

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 13 14:56:51 EDT 2004 | russ

in a thread titled ".5mm bga" there is a reference to a paste by alpha that is no-clean and is supposed to be made specifically for this situation. I suppose that increasing the pad dimension to .012" is out of the question? Russ

Kiss selective solder flux

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 22 14:19:38 EDT 2019 | gregcr

Thank you ProcEng1 Nordson sent me a flux suggestion list: No Clean: 1. Kester Select 10 2. ALPHA EF-2210 3. AIM FX-16 Water Sol: KESTER 2331-ZX Nozzle Tinning: SUPERIOR #75

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