Electronics Forum: alpha solider paste safety data sheat (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Setting up solder material evaluation (suggestions?)

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 08:00:14 EDT 1999 | Timothy O'Neill

| | | | I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so

Re: Setting up solder material evaluation (suggestions?)

Electronics Forum | Tue May 04 14:42:58 EDT 1999 | Chrys Shea

| | I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so I wi

Re: Setting up solder material evaluation (suggestions?)

Electronics Forum | Mon May 10 07:53:48 EDT 1999 | Timothy O'Neill

| | | I am about to embark on an effort to evaluate 3 different solder material suppliers and their recommended materials for our assembly process, in an effort to find the best supplier/material. We do mixed technology, with NOCLEAN chemistry so I


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