Electronics Forum: aluminum capacitor (Page 1 of 3)

Aluminium capacitor rotation after soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 22 08:40:18 EDT 2015 | markhoch

Hi Myriam, I think we may need some more information. Is the Electrolytic (Aluminum) Capacitor placed more than once per board? If so, are all locations twisting? This would typically be caused by a thermal imbalance that could be design induced. (u

Aluminum Capacitor disassociated from sodler joint

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 10:28:54 EST 2019 | emeto

Thank you Steve! I added couple of pictures from experimental board.

Aluminum Capacitor disassociated from sodler joint

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 15:37:46 EST 2019 | emeto

Steve, we have great system in place to trace the paste and it's compliance. This board is actually very busy and all is soldered great besides this capacitor. I will keep investigating.

Aluminum Capacitor disassociated from sodler joint

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 17:42:47 EST 2019 | slthomas

Pd in the termination plating, maybe? That stuff has reeked havoc on wetting for me in the past, but that was in leaded assemblies at leaded temperatures. Maybe now with Pb free temps it works better?

Aluminum Capacitor disassociated from sodler joint

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 11:27:25 EST 2019 | emeto

Thanks Rob, actually the thermal relieve is very poor. We did attach the thermo couples on the pad so that is checked. I will now check solderability.

Aluminum Capacitor disassociated from sodler joint

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 25 12:52:47 EST 2019 | emeto

Solved it last week! Thank you all for your help. PRoy I wish you posted that earlier :) it would have saved us time and effort. We did extend the soak time(from 65s to 80seconds) in the reflow profile which resulted in a better wetting and stronger

Conformal Coat Common Practices

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 12 14:05:33 EST 2024 | rygenetic

Hi @calebcSMT, It is generally recommended to avoid coating the entire body of aluminum electrolytic capacitors. These capacitors rely on the venting of gas in case of failure or overvoltage conditions, and coating the entire component could hinder

Aluminum Capacitor disassociated from sodler joint

Electronics Forum | Fri Feb 15 15:37:35 EST 2019 | emeto

Hello, I have a capacitor that doesn't form intermetallic joint with SAC 305 solder paste.The board is ENIG. Solder melts and forms good intermetallic joint with the PCB finish. However, capacitor can be removed with physical force - it looks like a

Aluminum Capacitor disassociated from sodler joint

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 13:00:25 EST 2019 | slthomas

Everything rob said makes perfect sense. That said, do you have a robust, infallible paste management system? ;) Have you tried multiple tubes and multiple date codes of paste and had the same results? Is it stored properly (on the tip, assuming i

Aluminum Capacitor disassociated from sodler joint

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 19 10:47:47 EST 2019 | rgduval

I'm with Steve. Check the datasheet, and make sure that the terminations are meant for solder application, and not conductive epoxy. I had that happen a year or so ago with an MLCC. Drove us nuts for two days (not to mention the significant rework

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