Electronics Forum: aluminum wedge bond build-up (Page 1 of 1)

COB and wire bond

Electronics Forum | Mon May 07 11:02:17 EDT 2001 | Singh

Hi all. I am looking into the implementation of the Chip on Board process with eutactic bonding and the then using either gold or aluminum wire to make wedge type wire bonding. Since I am totally new to this, can somebody guide me thru the process,


Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 08 07:04:02 EDT 2005 | davef

Finer pitch: Wedge bonding can be designed and manufactured to very small dimensions, down to 50 mm pitch. Processing speed: Machine rotational movements make the overall speed of the wedge bonding process less than thermosonic ball bonding. Alumin

Have You Ever Meet the Same Problems in Wedge Bonding ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 04 23:17:24 EDT 2019 | 123456789

Today we will talk some other problems you may meet in the wedge bonding work. If you have any other supplement or suggestion, welcome to leave us message. Appear welding spot indentation on the frame, what's the causes? How to solve? 1.The Wedge’s

temperature induced IMC in wire bonds?

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 15 09:31:27 EST 2005 | arclightzero

I have been reading a good deal about IMC (purple plague in particular) in gold wire/aluminum pad wire bonds. My company uses ultrasonic wedge bonding, and for the most part all of our bonding is gold/gold, however we have one particulr part that has

Wire Bonding fiducial mark specifications

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 31 17:30:54 EST 2007 | GS

Thanks a lot flipit, I am not directly involved in this "problem" but is my friend that have his CM rejecting PCBs because it says the "+" mark (spokes lengths) are out of tolerances. It seams CM bonder's require tolerance +/- 0,05(? not sure). I d

aluminium wire bonding on Electroless Nickel + Immersion gold

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 17 11:55:31 EDT 2001 | davef

5uin. Your nickel thickness is fine. Although if you wanted to trade costs, consider giving-up nickel to 150uin thickness, while increasing the gold thickness. Gold over electroless nickel creates brittle joints because of phosphorous in the nicke

aluminium wire bonding on Electroless Nickel + Immersion gold

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 27 15:06:29 EDT 2001 | davef

This otta push Wolfgang over the top ... Recommended reading G.G. Harman, Wire Bonding in Microelectronics : Materials, Processes, Reliability, and Yield, 2nd edition, McGraw-Hill Electronic Packaging and Interconnection Series, 1997. G.G. Harman, R


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