Electronics Forum: amerivacs (Page 1 of 1)

Vacuum Sealers

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 09:08:29 EDT 2003 | davef

Our Amerivacs is not a "pliable rubber sealer".

Vacuum Sealers

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 09:03:19 EDT 2003 | jgregory

Thanks Dave, great info! I will be looking into your recommendations. Our AmeriVacs unit is lacking in the robust design department as far as I'm concerned. I don't like the pliable rubber sealers. They deform too much. Jason Gregory

Vacuum Sealers

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 13:48:43 EDT 2003 | jgregory

Thanks Francois, unfortunately, I have no choice but to vacuum seal these bags. These "units" being sealed are going to a sub-contractor, and ultimately to the US government. It is a customer requirement. We've been messing with this AmeriVacs unit

Moisture sensitive device re-packaging

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 11 11:53:26 EDT 2004 | Deon Nungaray

Hello, Try Ameri-Vac at 619-498-8227. I have looked at several systems an found they have good price-to-performance systems. Regards, Deon Nungaray deonn@generalmonitors.com

Vacuum Sealers

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 23 18:03:10 EDT 2003 | jgregory

Hello all, It's been about 5 or 6 years since I've visited this site. I used to contribute quite often. However, 4 moves (and states) in 5 years can be taxing. I have found my way back, though. I am in need of info regarding industrial heat vacuum s

Vacuum Sealers

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 24 08:47:33 EDT 2003 | davef

Welcome back Jason. We like AmeriVacs. Could your sealer be out of adjustment [or whipped]? For suggestions contact: Francois Monettet; Cogiscan Inc.; W: 450-534-2644; fmonette@cogiscan.com . Francois participates in this forum [he's probably jus

Raw PCB packaging

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 22 08:31:42 EST 2006 | davef

Q1 Are there any standard regulating the subject? Very few infos found on IPC. A1 We�re unaware of standards for packing and storage for most types of boards. * IPC 4553 standard for Immersion Silver Finish, 3.8 Packing and Storage. * J-STD-033 and E
