Electronics Forum | Benny |
Wed May 21 13:40:17 EDT 2003
Electronics Forum | Thu May 29 13:02:57 EDT 2003 | designchain
Well that's one parameter and inadequate to specify either part. EPROMs aren't synchronous so specifying a clock rate doesn't really help - are you looking for a 50ns access time? 5V? 3.3V? What size memory? One-time programmable or UV eraseable or
Electronics Forum | Tue May 27 04:31:59 EDT 2003 | davef
Try: * Operational amplifier: http://www.google.com/search?hl=en&lr=&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=operational+amplifier+20mhz&spell=1 * EPROM: http://www.google.com/search?sourceid=navclient&ie=UTF-8&oe=UTF-8&q=eprom+20mhz
Electronics Forum | Sun May 22 23:31:51 EDT 2005 | thaqalain
If 1 & 2 are low, then 3 will be low: *Always *Sometime *Never
Electronics Forum | Mon May 23 08:34:20 EDT 2005 | davef
Electronics Forum | Mon May 23 09:15:09 EDT 2005 | dougt
And Gate If one/both inputs are low, output will be low If both inputs are high, output will be high
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 11 12:28:51 EDT 2009 | JWPlainview
What are some overlapping characteristics between ITAR and AS9100 for PCB fabrication?
Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 14:56:15 EST 2011 | jameskelch
Thanks Dave!
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 16:41:20 EDT 2009 | JWPlainview
Thanks for clearing that up, Dave. We've been getting a lot of inquiries citing both certifications. Just thought there might be a link between the two.
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 23:03:05 EDT 2009 | davef
Here's a boiler plate ITAR control plan http://www.cfisac.org/Resource/tcp.doc