Electronics Forum: amtech flux (Page 1 of 2)

Amtech 4300 no-clean+washable flux

Electronics Forum | Sun Dec 11 22:39:36 EST 2016 | ppcbs

We have been using the Amtech line for over 12 years now with all of our PCB and BGA Rework. The NWS-4400 is mildly active and will give better results with Lead Free Solder. Note that the LF-4300 is considered a No-Clean. However it will show lea

Amtech 4300 no-clean+washable flux

Electronics Forum | Sat Oct 29 20:29:30 EDT 2016 | adamjs

Posting here because all the threads asking for feedback on it are locked. We have been extremely happy with the 4300 tacky flux for BGA attachment. Not only is it both washable and no-clean (i.e. wash-optional), it was also the only tacky flux tha

Solder and flux

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 06 05:13:01 EST 2002 | Dreamsniper

Crystalline flux if it is really clear should not be a problem. We were using Amtech paste before and we have the same results. Sometimes we mistakenly see it as a dry joint because of the reflections from the lighting of our Metcal inspection system

BGA Installation with IR unsolder

Electronics Forum | Tue May 20 10:27:29 EDT 2008 | azimi789

I just set that as you said, but the component doesn't stick on the board. I use AMTECh Flux type: RMA-223.. what should I do ? Thanks.

Amtech LF/4300

Electronics Forum | Thu Dec 07 10:23:36 EST 2006 | fredericksr

Has anyone experimented with the Amtech 4300 flux that claims to be a no-clean flux that is easily removed with water? If so, how did it go? Is this flux truly removable with water only while creating adequate solder joints? -OtheRuss

LGA component rework process on SRT machine

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 05 13:38:22 EDT 2021 | ppcbs

For Linear Tech LGA's we solder bump the LGA using a .30mm solder ball then reflow with a tacky flux. This will provide a void free solder joint and adds a little height to the solder joint in case you use a flux that you want to clean from under th

PCB Washing No Clean

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 24 12:32:06 EDT 2011 | ppcbs

You should look at Amtech Solders. They have excellent no-clean fluxes that are designed to be water washable if desired. We have been using them with great results for about 4 years now.

Cleanning no clean residu

Electronics Forum | Fri Oct 26 07:41:26 EDT 2007 | bbl

We recently changed to an Amtech no clean paste and flux that is washable. So far excellent results. Far superior to the water soluable paste we were using. Fewer solder balls, longer life in printer, boards can be left up to 5 days and still come

Solder cream kits (flux and powder separately)

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 03 09:05:59 EST 2000 | Istv�n Dominik

I received data sheets from a paste distributor in which Amtech gives a recipe how you can mix solder cream. They deliver the flux in plastic jars and the solderpowder in foil packages. You must mix the two components with a simple mixing tool. Has a

Solder cream kits (flux and powder separately)

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 03 09:05:59 EST 2000 | Istv�n Dominik

I received data sheets from a paste distributor in which Amtech gives a recipe how you can mix solder cream. They deliver the flux in plastic jars and the solderpowder in foil packages. You must mix the two components with a simple mixing tool. Has a

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