Electronics Forum: analyzing yestech aoi spc software (Page 1 of 1)

AOI, Questions that never die !

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 22 16:51:36 EDT 2008 | inge_fi

I had some trials with AOI machines, most I saw Yestech and Saki desktop machines. For the software interface I much prefer Yestech which is very easy to use. But honestly for faults foundings and flexibility Saki is much better, the only thing is th

Looking for opinions on YesTech YTV-1000 AOI Inspection Systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 27 10:22:59 EDT 2009 | dwl

We have an opportunity to purchase a Yestech YTV-1000 AOI machine. I am looking for opinions on how well they work and how they compare to the newer Yestech B3 AOI systems. We are a high mix, low volume EMS company. We do not currently have any exp

AOI: Agilent vs. Omron vs. MIRTec/YESTech?

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 09 12:27:16 EST 2006 | bentigano

The company that I work for is a high-mix, mid-high volume manufacturer, and we also chose the YesTech AOI equipment. We currently have a YTV-2050 (the conveyorized machine with 5 cameras), and also the YTV-1000 (table-top version of the YTV-2050, wi

Help me to impress my boss

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 05 16:13:12 EDT 2007 | Ben T

D?rty, I was actually under the same mission as you a little over a year ago, but have since given up on the impossible. I have however been developing software for the industry for the past year. I have made a BOM importing tool, which cleans the BO

AOI: Agilent vs. Omron vs. MIRTec/YESTech?

Electronics Forum | Sat Dec 09 09:51:14 EST 2006 | pvasquez

Hello Lou, As a high-mix low-to-mid volume manufacturer, you will need to concentrate on equipment that may be progammed very easily, with very quick debug time from assembly to assembly. I have worked with Agilent in the past, and one of my collea

AOI - Algorithms or Comparators

Electronics Forum | Sun Feb 15 09:59:31 EST 2009 | pvasquez

Hello Muarty, This is the age old question on AOI. Fortunately, the answer hasn't changed much over the years. It really depends on your business...period. A high-mix low-to-mid volume manufacturer, will need to concentrate on equipment that may


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