Electronics Forum: android (Page 1 of 1)

MyData Programming Help...

Electronics Forum | Sun Jun 22 21:13:11 EDT 2014 | lilblevs11

I am new to programming these devices. I have programed quite a few things in my life from games to android apps to arduino to microprocessors. However, I have never ran into a MyData machine. Does anyone have any assistance or advice to help me lear

webcam self recording with memory and battery

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 05 09:17:23 EST 2012 | proceng1

This may not help you, but If you use an Android Phone or tablet (you can get a tripod). There is a free app called Daily Roads Voyager. It is made to be a "dashcam" for a trucker. It records video to the SD card and segments it in 60 second piece


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