Electronics Forum: announces (Page 1 of 10)

speedline sale

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 05 12:24:54 EST 2003 | frank

cookson has announced sale of speedline final

Manufacturers of lease equipment

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 19 10:01:13 EST 2005 | davef

Examples are: * Commercial airliner manufacturers are exempt. Regardless, Airbus announced that they plan to comply. A short time later, Boeing announced they would comply. * California with its copying RoHS legislation into state law has been form

AOI - Algorithms or Comparators

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 09 14:30:20 EST 2009 | devgru

Which companies are you talking about? There are now 2 that have left the industry... Orbotec announced a couple of months ago and Agilent was announced today on evertiq.com With that said, We have been using the Yestech AOI systems for a while now

Re: Where's Earl Moon ?

Electronics Forum | Mon May 08 12:17:10 EDT 2000 | Wolfgang Busko

Armin: Earl decided to focus on something different, the DFM/CE-part of this game on other playgrounds. His announcement and the farewells can found in the archive. I miss him too, Wolfgang

Your Server is Slower than Molasses

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 15 08:48:14 EDT 1999 | George

I hate to say this because I go into this great forum all the time, but ever since the announcement of "moving to a new and faster server", it's actually been alot slower! Often times, I can't even get on...

Your Server is Slower than Molasses

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 15 08:43:03 EDT 1999 | George

I hate to say this because I go into this great forum all the time, but ever since the announcement of "moving to a new and faster server", it's actually been alot slower! Often times, I can't even get on...

Re: Quad

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 09 07:46:48 EST 1998 | Steve Sauer

The only announcement that I have seen affects the line of printers (SMTech was purchased by Quad several years ago). | is it true that Quad Systems has been acquired by Speedline? Can anyone confirm or deny this? |

Bumpless "BBL" Technology

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 23:55:28 EST 2002 | tinayevich

Does anyone have any information on a bumpless BBL technology which has recently been announced by Intel? Any info and/or links to web articles would be appreciated. Thanks.

Bumpless "BBL" Technology

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 14 23:55:38 EST 2002 | tinayevich

Does anyone have any information on a bumpless BBL technology which has recently been announced by Intel? Any info and/or links to web articles would be appreciated. Thanks.

Height paste measurement

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 26 00:04:37 EDT 2002 | Dick Toftness

Juan, Agilent Technologies (my employer) has just announced a new high speed paste measurement system called the SP50. If you are interested contact an Agilent Sales Office.

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