Electronics Forum: anti-tombstone (Page 1 of 1)

Tombstone defect

Electronics Forum | Sun May 04 22:10:20 EDT 2003 | Thomas

Did u ever try a anti-tombstone solder paste to try to eliminate this problem ??

How to avoid tombstoning in 0201 components

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 22 07:21:14 EDT 2005 | Mark

Try using Cobar`s anti-tombstone alloy.

Tombstone defect

Electronics Forum | Fri May 30 11:23:10 EDT 2003 | dsuraski

AIM has an article that includes anti-tombstoning solder paste information. It's called "Reducing The Tombstoning of Small Discrete Components" and is located at http://www.aimsolder.com/technical_articles.cfm#14 Or I can send a copy to anyone inte

Tombstone defect

Electronics Forum | Mon May 05 11:35:00 EDT 2003 | Grant

Hi, This is an interesting point. I use Koki paste from Japan, and it's wonderful, however what properties of solder paste would make it "anti tombstone" paste? How does led free effect tomb-stoning? That would be interesting to know. We might go

Tombstone defect

Electronics Forum | Mon May 05 18:48:23 EDT 2003 | Kris

Hi, It is expected that lead-free will have reduced tomstoning. As it has a higher surface tension and does not wet as well as the tinlead paste it exibit lower tombstoning. Addiotnaly commercialy available lead-free alloys may not be true eutectic

Tombstone defect

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 28 20:24:30 EDT 2003 | yukim

Hi, do you know how much the problem can be reduced by using anti-tombstoning solder paste? I tried two different lots using same solder paste (containing Ag). With one we did not see any improvement and with the other one, a lot. So, I am not quite

0402 Components and Solder Paste

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 20 14:05:59 EDT 2000 | Mike McMonagle

With 0402 components becoming more common today outside of the telecommunications industry, our company is qualifying equipment and processes for an upcoming product incorporating 0402s. Having used 0402s in a previous position, I am planning a DOE o

Tombstoning issues!!!

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 10 07:47:47 EDT 2008 | ck_the_flip

Stencil design and pad layout are key. Too far apart - bad. If your pad geometry is correct, try the inverted home plate. That has worked well for me in the past. That, coupled with a 5-mil stencil. With regard to solder paste, some manufacturer

Re: Tombstone

Electronics Forum | Tue Sep 14 10:54:37 EDT 1999 | Scott Davies

| Can anyone out there pls enlighten me on how to solve chip tombstone defects. | I am running a board with a lot of 0603 chip. i had fine the profile and the alignment, but it still happen randomly on the board itself. Is there any other way to sol


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