Electronics Forum: aoi reviews (Page 1 of 4)

Digital Inspection Scope

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 21 09:19:05 EDT 2008 | skumaravelu

30fps handheld scope(attached to a PC) to be used at the end of the SMT line after AOI inspection to aid the inspectors to review/clarify the locations that they observed in the AOI machine.

Help me to choose AOI-machine!

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 10 12:47:09 EST 2024 | kumarb

The recent fair in Hanoi (I.C.E.) for assembly had quite a few AOI manufacturers present with machines ranging from $15k - $45k (we reviewed). One noted that ~80% of the AOI machines used in China for PCBA inspection are theirs. Can post details on w

Reflow problem

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 26 11:17:38 EDT 2012 | garym4569

We have been having a solder paste reflow issue which results in the solder not wetting to the LED lead. The solder appears to create "puddles" on the pcb pad. I have attached AOI image for review. We have had the pads analyzed for contamination, w

Who has best desktop AOI ?

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 17 11:14:22 EDT 2010 | methos1979

I just completed an exhaustive search and review of desktop AOI systems. Two systems rose to the top - Mirtec and Yestech. I got to spend time with both platforms and both had their pluses and minuses. I would be happy to share my experience with

YesTech F1 speed

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 10:01:30 EDT 2013 | dontfeedphils

In a past life I ran F1 systems post placement / pre reflow behind a MyData My12E, so it didn't exactly have to keep up with a speedy chip shooter, but it did pretty well. The AOI would end up being the bottle neck some of the time, but not because

YesTech F1 speed

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 19 10:19:01 EDT 2013 | rway

We have inline reworkers, so this time has been factored in. We currently use Siemens S25/20 machines with M1 systems. The placement machines run a little slower than the AOI at times so there is time to perform review, most of the time. It's not

A.O.I recommendation

Electronics Forum | Fri May 27 18:46:09 EDT 2005 | gregcr

I am almost hesitant to mention my good fortune with our Yestech system, for fear that our advantage in the industry will be known. We have run a Yestech for about a year, the operator interface is very well organized. Data is scanned on the machin

Older AOI Inspection Systems

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 11 16:23:28 EDT 2018 | bdamico

Hello Doug, Thank you for the reference on our vintage MV-3L systems. It is always a pleasure to receive positive feedback from our valued customers. I also saw that you were in the market for 3D AOI. Are you familair with our MV-3 OMNI Desktop 3

Looking for AOI programming tips, tricks, info

Electronics Forum | Sun Oct 17 11:26:36 EDT 2010 | methos1979

New to this forum and AOI. After an exhaustive search and review my company purchased our department a Mirtec MV-3L desktop AOI system. We use a combination of SMT and through-hole components in our product. I am currently learning to program th


Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 27 11:44:26 EDT 2021 | mikekeens

Thanks for your comments. Currently checking out the Mirtec which seems to have good reviews

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