Electronics Forum: ap and 25 and bios (Page 1 of 1)

Biral T&D and Threebond

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 19 13:39:51 EST 2009 | tedel

Yes, I called Fuji as well!! I guess we're all in the wrong buisness... Received a reply from Biral Lubricants in Norway, they state the following... "We have established our own warehouse in St.Petersburg, Florida and handle presently all inquirie

Advice Needed between a DEK 265GSX and a MPM UP3030!

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 19:00:42 EDT 2006 | SWAG

We've always been MpM so no comparison from me on DEK. All I can say is we have had 3000 series that seemed to need constant attention and almost daily wrenching. We got a couple of AP25 HiE's and they are easier to use, way more reliable and simpl

I'm back in the saddle, and it's a ....

Electronics Forum | Wed May 25 14:56:19 EDT 2005 | bobpan

Steve, Use the 1000 as a chip shooter only (and thats if it works once you turn it on). If you have problems with the 1000 just post questions as i am one of the last guys on the planet that knows that machine (and its been a while since i have worke


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