Electronics Forum: ape bandit (Page 1 of 1)

HOT AIR Bench top

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 17 21:14:19 EST 2011 | hegemon

Of the machines you have mentioned, the APE Bandit is your best bet. I had one of those in a previous employ and it was basically bulletproof, and simple enough to work on if things went wrong. Simple controllers and enough power to do the job at r

HOT AIR Bench top

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 17 14:24:21 EST 2011 | vmorina

Hi Hege, Thank you very much for your input. So far I have four hot air from four different companies. ERSA: IR500 or IR550 http://www.ersa.com/index.php?modul=entry&id=346&entry_id=1473⊂_id=346&cont_add=467 Weller: WHA3000PS or VS http://www.te

BGA rework equipment - suggestions?

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 01 18:50:02 EDT 2014 | hegemon

There are no BGA rework stations in that price range that I would consider for purchase. (or did you miss a zero in your cost estimate?) In order to have placement, and sufficient heating for proper BGA rework (top and bottomside)you're going to hav


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