Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 27 23:24:22 EDT 2007 | mika
Fe2+(aq) + 2e- "harply, but this is of no consequence since OH- ions are always present, even in pure water.) The cations then react with the OH- or even the H+ ions and dissolved oxygen to form a variety of compounds, which constitute rust: Fe2+(aq
Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 05:58:39 EDT 2006 | Base
Hi Efren, Did some simple math... - 100k units/month - 24 days/month - 16 hrs/day - 75% efficiency (ballpark questimate) You'll be looking at a line that does a bit more 50kCmp/hr with an IC/TH placer that does 3.5kCmp/hr (assuming 10 IC's /TH conn
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