Electronics Forum: aquastorm 200 board (Page 1 of 37)

200 pin connector reflow

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 08 05:40:54 EST 2019 | leeg

We place these on a few boards and have no issues with reflow or warpage. How thick is your PCB?

From 1 to 200

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 23 06:58:38 EDT 2003 | chrissieneale

Help! We currently use out SMT for pretty much one-off's. we use BGA's and complex board designs and it looks good to say it's been SMT'd. We are now looking to take on a project (a one off project) that would move our production up from 1 to about 2

From 1 to 200

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 29 17:52:41 EST 2003 | adlsmt

What kind of equipment do you have now to do the 1 off boards? Is there enough profit margin to process the 200 the same way? If not, there is not enough to justify new equipment and to outsource 200 pcs with 100% traceability requirements would

too much foam in our Speedline TechnologiesELEOCTROVERT/Aquastorm 200

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 18 12:16:06 EDT 2014 | island2013

I had the same situation at a facility a few years ago. We moved our wash from one building to another and it was fine for months and then we had the foaming issue similar to yours. We tried everything from adding anti foam agents to even having th

too much foam in our Speedline TechnologiesELEOCTROVERT/Aquastorm 200

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 18 15:25:19 EDT 2014 | davef

The presence of agitation at an air / solution interface and a foaming agent causes foaming. Most water soluble fluxes contain surficants. Surficants are foaming agents. First, it's likely this foaming is caused by poor control of the temperature of

too much foam in our Speedline TechnologiesELEOCTROVERT/Aquastorm 200

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 16 14:21:15 EDT 2014 | toddp2012

Hi all, we have a Speedline Technologies ELEOCTROVERT/Aquastorm 200. In January we stared supplying it with pre-filterd to the DI cabinet next to machine so our large media would last longer. All was fine for about 4 months and then we started gett

Looking for a used VIP 200 heat shrink applicator.

Electronics Forum | Wed May 29 21:05:33 EDT 2024 | kumarb

Hi. I do not think this is the proper forum for your request. This forum is for electronic circuit board assemblies and related machinery. Do investigate the other parts of this website that may be more appropriate of your request.

board size

Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 27 06:16:24 EST 1998 | mancheol,seo

Hello everyone~! I wonder becasuse of stencil board size. My component dimension is 200 x 200mm What the board size I choose? Please let me know solution... best regards man from korea

rigid-Flex board via problems

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 12 20:11:25 EST 2012 | davef

Isola water pressure. Between a 210°C normal tin lead cycle and a 250°C lead-free assembly cycle, the vapor pressure doubles. Reflow temperature [*C]||Vapor pressure of water [psi] 150||100 200||225 210||260 220||320 230||400 240||480 250||580 300||1

Preheating a board with metalic coating on both sides

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 30 12:19:38 EDT 2002 | sueph

I am trying to get a profile on a thru-hole board with metalic coating on both sides. My preheaters are about maxed out and my profile is just reaching 200 degeres F. I'm not sure how much I can slow my conveyor down to get more heat. Does any one h

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