Electronics Forum: aqueous ionic contamination chamber (Page 1 of 6)

Ionic contamination vs selective soldering ?

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 17 18:37:59 EDT 2008 | aqueous

We manufacture both bulk and localized ionic contamination testers. My answer is from the perspective of the cleanliness testing method. The issue with all bulk ionic contamination testers (Ionagraph, Omegameter, Zero-Ion), is that they test the en

dynamic/static contamination test

Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 02 17:15:48 EST 2006 | Mike Konrad

Asoe, The systems you are describing are Resistivity of Solvent Extract (ROSE) Testers. These systems are available using one of two technologies, Static or Dynamic. Both systems use a calibrated test solution comprised of IPA and DI water. The t

Re: Ionic contamination

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 10 21:01:06 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Edmund: Responding to your questions: 1 What is purpose of using DI water to wash a PCBA? Compared to tap water, DI water is less likely to leave: � Metal cations on sensitive components. � Salts of Ca, Mg, and other stuff on metals on the assemb

Ionic Contamination Testing

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 07 00:33:40 EST 2017 | aqueous

If no-clean flux is reflowed correctly, many of the activators are encapsulated within the resin residue left behind after reflow. An ionic contamination test cannot differentiate between ionic residue that was encapsulated (not harmful) and residues

Flux residues found after assembly process (Clean process)

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 08 12:27:55 EST 2016 | aqueous

The most common method is a R.O.S.E tester. They have been around for 30 years and are an industry standard for ionic contamination (flux and other residues) testing. Manufacturers include: Zero Ion www.aqueoustech.com Omegameter / Ionagraph http:/

Has anyone heard of a no clean paste that can be cleaned in straight DI water ?

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 30 18:25:25 EST 2018 | aqueous

This is one of the most common questions I get asked. Why clean no-clean flux. It was stated earlier that no-clean residues are benign. This may or may not be accurate. It depends on several factors including the reflow process. In a perfect world, t

Re: Approach To Contamination Testing Of PCBs

Electronics Forum | Thu May 14 19:05:02 EDT 1998 | Mike Konrad

Dave, Ionic contamination testers are considered to be a valuable tool to determine the cleanliness of both bare boards and post solder boards. There are some instances when SIR testing is more suitable for determining cleanliness than ionic contamin

Key Points to be considered to buy a Ionic Contamination Tester

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 27 07:09:37 EDT 2015 | prameel_84

Hi Everyone, I got an approval to buy a Ionic Contamination Tester in my company, hence i require expert advise to proceed further for machine procurement At present I've fixed for Zero-Ion G3 Ionic Contamination of Aqueous Technologies and SMD V T

Kenco Industries Ionic Tester

Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 25 19:35:31 EDT 2005 | Mike Konrad

The Kenco ionic contamination tester (Zero-Ion) is now manufactured and supported by Aqueous Technologies. www.aqueoustech.com service@aqueoustech.com (909) 944-7771 Mike Konrad

Contamination Tester

Electronics Forum | Wed May 11 14:02:53 EDT 2011 | pct1410

I am looking for a used Aqueous Technologies' Zero-Ion Ionic Contamination Tester. If anyone has a used one for sale please contact me! Thank you

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