Electronics Forum: aqueous smt1000cl wash (Page 1 of 21)

Drying after aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 16:47:44 EDT 2006 | Merle

Should drying be done after aqueous wash? If so, how long and at what temperature?

Drying after aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 21:36:14 EDT 2006 | Chunks

It depends on the water quality of your final rinse too. Too dirty and pools of water will trap residues on your board. If let to evaporate, these residues can stay on your board.

Drying after aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 03 16:42:48 EDT 2006 | Merle

The cleaner does have a dryer, but does not remove all moisture - we can see that. It is functioning - we can see that too.

Drying after aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 03 18:35:45 EDT 2006 | russ

So what are your current drying parameters? can you adjust temp and time? is this a batch cleaner that may have some shadowing from the way it is loaded causing hot air to not hit certain boards? Russ

Drying after aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 02 17:39:54 EDT 2006 | russ

Well i guess you would not have to dry the boards but let me ask this, Are you hand cleaning water soluble flux in a sink? Never seen a cleaner without a dryer. Anyway temp and time for drying is easy to figure out. When boards are dry you have i


Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 13 13:34:53 EST 2006 | pjc

Look for the following machines: Aqueous Technologies ECD EMC Austin American The above mfrs. make "industrial" grade dishwashers for assembled PCB de-fluxing. Search any of those names followed by "..... batch cleaner", and your search engine will

Latex solder masks which can withstand an automated aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 03 03:46:07 EDT 2014 | akasi

Is there a peelable solder mask which can withstand an automated aqueous wash ? I need to prevent water ingress into SMT modules during the wash cycle.

PCB with stains bleach after flux aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 11 14:55:52 EST 2015 | erezah

we received assembled PCBs with spots that look like a bleach spots all over the PS and CS . The board house said that this is normal due to flux aqueous wash process. Can it cause problems (e.g. corrosion ) in the long run or cause issues when wor

PCB with stains bleach after flux aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 12 08:35:22 EST 2015 | davef

Solder mask is intended to protect the traces from the soldering process. That's it. [Tried to upload a picture. It's broken.]

PCB with stains bleach after flux aqueous wash

Electronics Forum | Thu May 19 03:39:04 EDT 2016 | jpcwg

Design application software in resistance welding layer options to carry on the design, can put the resistance welding options this functionality, born PCB board factory to actual production of PCB design are window. we are professional PCB manufac

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