Electronics Forum: archieves (Page 1 of 1)

Vapor Phase Reflow

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 08 07:02:03 EDT 2002 | PeteC

Don't know that mfg. and model but theres lots of info on vapor phase soldering in the fine SMTnet archieves.

Epoxied Parts Falling Off

Electronics Forum | Mon Feb 24 15:04:15 EST 2003 | larryk

Dave, I went into their website. Unfortunately, they do not have a "search" option. I checked all of 2002 and Jan of 2003 archieves with out any success. You don't happen to know which month this article was featured in?

Wave soldering problem - strange colour of the solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 16 07:17:20 EST 2007 | adamp

I have checked pot temperature in different parts of solder pot and it looks like it is correct (250C). I have also lowered solder pot temperature and removed copper from the surface of the solder pot (operation repeated couple times). There is still

Black spot on Gold Pads

Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 25 18:45:19 EST 2000 | Ashok Dhawan

I am getting black spots / stuff while I run gold finish PCB through reflow soldering process using NC solder paste.The affected spots have intermetalic as black in color. Does not solder very well. I did look at the archieve but could not find info

Re: Siemens: Slow Line Computer

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 31 10:10:08 EDT 1998 | Ray N Lopez Mata

| | | | We are having a lot of problems with the Line Computer Speed on our Siemens Siplace Line. This seems to be a common problem when many different jobs, partnumbers, and package forms are stored on the line computer. | | | Please let me know i


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