Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 25 02:03:49 EST 1999 | Stoney Tsai
| | We have been evaluating a trial copy of FujiCAM for several months. Are there any other users of FujiCAM out there that would be willing to share experiences. | | | I have had it installed for about a month. Aside from a few bugs | (new rev
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 08:34:14 EDT 1998 | JUSTIN MEDERNACH
| Hi, | Does anyone has experiences in reflowing Ceramic BGA and found solder wicking ? Solder wicking has the syndrome that solder being wick from the pad and ended up in the leads. | We have rule out the possibility of not printing any solder paste
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 12 11:11:50 EDT 2002 | davef
J-STD-001 guideline of 1000 lm/m^2 [93 fc] seems high, but it is the minimum level of illumination that operators and inspectors should have to perform their tasks. IESNA LPD Architectural Recommendations Type of Facility||General Area percent / fc
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 01 10:35:52 EDT 2007 | adlsmt
DBA tried to re-write thier software at least twice and failed. They ended up buying/partnering with EZ-Jobz from I think Austrailia. The new product and the old product are not the same at all in any way. Manex was originally based on FoxPro. We are
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 30 21:49:59 EDT 2012 | davef
Logic Circuits Based on Magnetic Semiconductors One problem with increasingly dense circuits is heat dissipation. A solution was recently unveiled by Northwestern University researchers using an entirely new logic circuit family based on magnetic se
Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 12 02:38:02 EST 2020 | majdi4
Hi there , I agree with phil .. but we cannot change the architecture of the card to mount the connector on the 2nd side. Steve , we are producing large series, so we can't manually ship bond the connector .. for the moment, we cannot invest in a gl
Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 24 21:04:58 EDT 1998 | Karlin
| | Hi, | | Does anyone has experiences in reflowing Ceramic BGA and found solder wicking ? Solder wicking has the syndrome that solder being wick from the pad and ended up in the leads. | | We have rule out the possibility of not printing any solder
Electronics Forum | Wed Jun 03 10:25:49 EDT 1998 | Justin Medernach
| Can anyone tell me if there is a reference for smt component height specs on the bottom side of a board, which will also go through wave soldering. A current design I am reviewing has tant caps(7343) and a crystal on the back side. Should I only b
Electronics Forum | Fri May 17 11:00:57 EDT 2002 | Sam Chiocca
Demand Wave Solutions has an inventory control module, BOSSgoldIC, that can be integrated with your present ERP system or implemented individually on an open architecture platform. It is on-line, interactive inventory management system that provides
Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 18 16:56:55 EDT 2002 | stockley
I started writing a long winded explanation about SMEMA and realised that it is just as easy to write about this as it is to talk about it on the phone. It just so happens that I have recently gone through this process so I believe that your vendor