Electronics Forum: argon leaking rates (Page 1 of 2)

Argon Leaking Rate

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 15 09:59:56 EDT 1998 | Miangui Xue

I have a hermetic package with 1 atm of Helium (5% vol.) and Argon (95%) inside. We have detected the helium leaks at 5*e-8 ccatm/sec. My question is what is the leaking rate of argon. Can anybody provide any insight or information to calculate the r

AC working volatge of a Capacitor

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 09 17:12:43 EDT 2005 | thaqalain

Capacitor working voltage One very important rating of capacitors is "working voltage". This is the maximum voltage at which the capacitor operates without leaking excessively or arcing through. This working voltage is expressed in terms of DC but th

Re: N2 vs. Air Reflow Soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 20 22:24:03 EST 2000 | Greenman

Dave: In terms of heat transfer, air is 78% nitrogen, and the remainder is mostly (20.9%) oxygen (roughly the same molecular weight as nitrogen), with a bit of argon (0.9%), CO2, hydrogen, monosodium glutamate etc. So you would expect virtually no d

Re: N2 vs. Air Reflow Soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 20 22:25:26 EST 2000 | Greenman

Dave: In terms of heat transfer, air is 78% nitrogen, and the remainder is mostly (20.9%) oxygen (roughly the same molecular weight as nitrogen), with a bit of argon (0.9%), CO2, hydrogen, monosodium glutamate etc. So you would expect virtually no d

Re: N2 vs. Air Reflow Soldering

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 20 22:26:01 EST 2000 | Greenman

Dave: In terms of heat transfer, air is 78% nitrogen, and the remainder is mostly (20.9%) oxygen (roughly the same molecular weight as nitrogen), with a bit of argon (0.9%), CO2, hydrogen, monosodium glutamate etc. So you would expect virtually no d


Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 14 08:17:09 EST 2006 | Rob

Degassing - the air in the void above the electrolyte expands, or in some cases the electrolyte vapourises, blowing the top of the cap from the base. Sometimes electrolyte can also leak out around the base seal. This is also a failure as the cap wo

Help! Samsung CP45 and CP63 Problems

Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 11 15:21:12 EDT 2005 | Hoss

Sean, If the machines use more than the spec'd 8CFM, are not leaking and work fine otherwise, I wouldn't disqualify them on that basis alone. You may be exceeding the duty cycle rating of your compressor and not necessarily the volume. If Samsung

New Facility Advise/Questions

Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 18 12:37:37 EST 2019 | kylehunter

> I worked at a similar sized facility in Texas, > and we had everything connected to one vent and > exhausted outside. A word of advice; Your outside > vent will leak in heavy rain, don't put it over > any equipment. Ahh yeah t

Golden Finger contamination with Solder after reflow

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 14 08:52:07 EST 2017 | davef

If you think the problem is occurring in the box and it is wide spread, consider replacing your solder paste with your paste supplier. There are paste formulations aimed at the solder balling issue that some LF pastes create. On tuning your reflow r

Moisture Sensitive Devices - Absorption Labels

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 12 14:07:53 EST 1998 | Yves Trudell

I've heard of a series of labels that absorb moisture at different rates and/or change appearance when a specific saturation level is reached. If such labels exist and if they could be correlated to the exposure limits of specific moisture sensitivit

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