Electronics Forum: as9100 (Page 1 of 3)

Confused....Need Help On AS9100

Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 07 14:08:30 EDT 2008 | arminski

Can A Company or Electronic Manufacturing Company go for AS9100 certification if the Quality Policy states that we only meet IPC Class 2 Standard? I'm just very confused for I know AS9100 is an Aerospace Quality System and must meet IPC Class 3. thi

ITAR and AS9100...like peas and carrots?

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 11 12:28:51 EDT 2009 | JWPlainview

What are some overlapping characteristics between ITAR and AS9100 for PCB fabrication?

ITAR and AS9100...like peas and carrots?

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 12 15:50:01 EDT 2009 | davef

Wouldn't think of them as peas and carrots. Maybe, tree and carrot. ITAR: Export regulations that are specific. Board fabricators may choose to be ITAR registered. AS9100: Aerospace tailored version of ISO9000. So, it's general. In it's base form, AS

Soldered lead length measurement & IPC compliance

Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 08 13:24:44 EDT 2018 | boyo462

The Company just certified to AS9100. One of the minor observations related to the method used to measure the lead length to insure compliance with IPC requirements. Are there any tools/devices/equipment available to measure lead lengths that is repe

Thermal Profiling Frequency System

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 17 13:52:20 EDT 2008 | jdumont

....but try to tell that to an ISO/AS9100/Mil/Avionics type customer... LOL

Confused....Need Help On AS9100

Electronics Forum | Sat Aug 09 07:56:30 EDT 2008 | davef


ITAR and AS9100...like peas and carrots?

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 24 14:56:15 EST 2011 | jameskelch

Thanks Dave!

AS9100D Fact check

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 13:45:43 EDT 2018 | wolverine55

Hello All, I was told that if the plant that I work in got an AS9100D certification then as the Facility Maintenance Mgr I would not be allowed to use any of my personal tools in the course of doing my job, which includes maintenance and repair of SM

AS9100D Fact check

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 19 18:38:05 EDT 2018 | slthomas

I would say not likely unless it's at least serialized, but certainly so if it requires calibration....point being LOTS of stuff requires calibration for AS9100 activity. Simple hand tools probably not, for example, but your calipers, multimeters w

Controlling age sensitive materials on the floor

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 18 12:25:40 EST 2015 | deanm

We are required by AS9100 to keep expired material/chemicals off the floor. Examples include solder paste, flux, adhesives, conformal coating, etc. We have a system in place to prevent such occurrences but once in a while something is not accounted f

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