Electronics Forum: asm

DEK Screen printer calibration - print offset issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 10:54:48 EDT 2017 | emeto

If you use the calibration plate and stencil, that should fix the problem. I think that you are not saving the result from the calibration test. Double check manuals and probably with DEK technician, but it sounds like you are missing a step.

DEK Screen printer calibration - print offset issue

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 10:02:03 EDT 2017 | Bestglobal SMT

We have a 2008 DEK horizon 03i this machine has been a very reliable system. we are having an issue with the print being offset in the x .2mm I have run 4 different boards - same issue on all. same offset. i can print the board 10 times over and

DEK 265gsx vision calibration

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 01 18:13:19 EDT 2010 | dman97

Since my last post, I have successfully calibrated my printer. Now I have noticed that after a print, the machine decides to check for fiducials again. A post print fiducial check. Do you know how to disable this? It is slowing down my process co

On contact calibration

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 29 13:42:20 EDT 2004 | sigmaprint

You will need to set the contact and squeegee zero calibration every time you set up a new product, we do this because the thickness of the substrate (pcb) can change between product and this will effect these calibration settings. The machine does n

ASM Dek printer

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 26 21:31:08 EDT 2019 | dekhead

Contact me directly, I may be able to assist. dekhead@att.net

ASM Dek printer

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 26 12:47:07 EDT 2019 | bane016

Good day, I need to turn on option before start printing to aprove by 2D code stencil and type of paste. I don't know exactly how to turn it on that option on machine. I have 2D and barcode scanner. Thanks in advance for help.

Ekra X3 printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 09 14:35:32 EDT 2011 | RAM324

friendly software, easy calibration and easy to work with. CONS: spareparts in germany

Quad/SMTech/MPM 400 printer question

Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 05 00:22:31 EDT 2006 | Dman97

Does any one know if it is possible to replace the stupid light pen on these machines with a standard mouse or trackball? I'm going crazy trying to get the damn thing to recognize any onscreen movements. Its like it has a mind of its own. Sometimes i

De Haart printer expert

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 12 13:01:12 EST 2004 | patthemack

Thanks for your response. This is a DeHaart MPC-29. It has manual vision, no conveyor. When I bought it, only one camera was working. I fixed that, but while I was jacking with that, the electronic pressure regulator (spcjr) burned up without warning

Re: screen printer x axis

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 20 11:53:41 EDT 1999 | Scott S. Snider

| HI everyone, | | We are using a Siemens ap-25 screen printer, in the past we have not had any problems with adhesive placement until a couple of weeks ago. It seems the x axis has decided that it should be set somewhere between .00085 and .001

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