Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 12 03:04:25 EST 2016 | sophyluo1985
Hello Everyone, We have Assembleon AX501 machine available for sale. Please kindly contact us if you are interested in. Thank you very much! sophy_smt@126.com
Electronics Forum | Mon Oct 24 14:57:09 EDT 2022 | spoiltforchoice
Indeed, back in 2010 or so I had quotes for a MY100 with a Hydra head,as part of that I did get them to run a theoretical build time for one of our own boards. That came back @ just under 7k cph, it was a pretty sensible board with a nice range of th
Electronics Forum | Tue May 09 13:27:30 EDT 2017 | s_marius
I am looking for manual of AX201 in digital format. Any additional information are welcome.
Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 07 15:19:13 EST 2019 | med_cezir
Hi everyone. I wanna learn how I can edit pre generated pick and place program(x.pp file) for AX501.
Electronics Forum | Wed Dec 18 10:17:18 EST 2024 | suum
After replacing the laser on the head, everything works, but it shows that the head is not calibrated, who knows how to calibrate (what is needed for this)?well, either make it so that she thinks she is calibrated.))) p.s. maybe there is some manual
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 01 18:12:56 EDT 2022 | ninevoltz
I just contacted Trans-Tec and they told me they only support the Assembleon branded Yamaha machines, not the AX series.
Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 02 09:50:46 EST 2004 | Axl
For anyone who is currently running these machines I would like to get some feedback (positive and negative) on them. How do they run in a production enviorment? Is the modular machine (AX-5) a pain in the ass to get a board out of when its stuck in
Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 15 13:01:23 EDT 2024 | suum
Hi all ! Help is needed . The AX201 machine (Assembleon) in the manual says that it can see a component 130mm x 79mm, in reality it can see 45mmX45mm at a time (Friends told me that it can stitch together images). I have already read the entire manua
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 29 13:17:24 EST 2008 | exman
ASSEMBLEON AX-5 ax-5 having problem with pickup problem when the head placement try to pickup the component on the feeder the toolbit will fall off eventdo teach the part center very good but when they pickup it off about one inch happent on ly robot
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 28 13:00:56 EDT 2008 | exman
ax-5 having problem with pickup problem when the head placement try to pickup the component on the feeder the toolbit will fall off eventdo teach the part center very good but when they pickup it off about one inch happent on ly robot #1 the rest of