Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 18 17:18:59 EST 1998 | Tom
| My company is now using Fuji SMT machine, and is now considering to purchase QP132. Appreciate if sone one let me know about QP132's capability, relaiability and atability on the production. And what is advantages conpared to Philips FCM. | |Other
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 22 02:04:25 EDT 2002 | Bob Willis
I would talk to you suppier of placement equipmennt as Assembleon have experience with running odd form on machines as do Panasonic, Siemens, Mimot and Universal. I have run two lines with machines from your supplier and will be doing a project with
Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 02 16:58:40 EDT 2008 | jmelson
If these are similar to the earlier CSM feeders, there are several things to check. The cover plate that holds the tape on the sprocket can be adjusted slightly by eccentrics to accomodate thicker tapes. It the cover is too tight, there will be bin
Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 25 09:26:16 EST 2002 | stefwitt
you should also look into the different placement methods and their advantages and weaknesses. A chip shooter with a rotary head and lets say 18 nozzles always places one component and picks one at the same time. PC board and feeder table move while
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