Electronics Forum: assembleon pps pps_pro (Page 1 of 2)

Assembleon FCM Base II Cermamic - need info.

Electronics Forum | Thu May 31 03:12:18 EDT 2007 | vinitverma

Hi John, You can write to me offline at vinit.verma@prosemtechnology.com and write the exact problem that you face after you have generated the action spec using PPS Pro 8.1. What is the problem that you're facing. The coordinate system is taken ca

Assembleon FCM Base II Cermamic - need info.

Electronics Forum | Mon May 21 18:24:42 EDT 2007 | kz9yyc

Hello, I am looking for any information regarding Assembleon's FCM Base II coordinate system. While some of my problems are due to inexperience and ignorance, I have read every manual, technical bulletin, and online message available to me, and I s

Yamaha P-tool Database

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 11 15:10:11 EST 2018 | med_cezir

Hi Everyone We setup a new smt line consisting from ys24 and ys12. When creating new programs I used stock names and added to database but after a while I recognized even if I used same package before I have to add it again because stock number is n

PPS PRO-pp edit

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 07 15:19:13 EST 2019 | med_cezir

Hi everyone. I wanna learn how I can edit pre generated pick and place program(x.pp file) for AX501.

PPS PRO-pp edit

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 08 06:57:42 EST 2019 | sarason

Have you got any example's. If so send me a copy at my email on my webpage and I will add it to PCBSynergy and show you how to edit the format! https://pcbsynergy.com sarason

FCM I - II Software

Electronics Forum | Fri Sep 24 05:39:15 EDT 2004 | vinitverma

Hi, Try Technomatix. That is the one used by Assembleon itself for the FCMs. You can buy the license from them for Assembleon FCMs as well as FUJI machines. The Assembleon PPS designed around Technomatix, gives a very very accurate cycle time calcu

VIOS Interpretation

Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 08 11:31:33 EDT 2010 | duchoang

Hi Mabdalla, You need to have software to read those files( AMS or PPS from Assembleon). If you are using Phillips and/or Assembleon machines, you should have those software. Best Regards,

CAM Software

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 22 12:21:33 EST 2003 | jersbo

I currently use circuitCam and it works well for ("Imports CAD, Provides Documentation, Line Balance, Placement Optimization") I dont use it for ("(LAN) Machine Communications") Philips(assembleon) has whats called PPS which you also may want to chec

Assembleon / Philips support. Ask your question.

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 11 03:42:27 EST 2010 | deltaservices

Hello Andrew, Did you get the PPS software with the machine or do you have cad 2 cad? What do you use for input file?

Topaz Off-line software.

Electronics Forum | Fri Jan 16 19:02:55 EST 2004 | Frank Gearhart - Assembl�on Snr. Software Technical Specialist

The OS/2 software you are referring to is the CSM-PPS v3 which was released in 1999, it is now out of service. The current software for optimizing, balancing, and generating programs for a Topaz and other Gem machines off-line, is GemLine-PPS v8.0,

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