Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 08 05:58:39 EDT 2006 | Base
Hi Efren, Did some simple math... - 100k units/month - 24 days/month - 16 hrs/day - 75% efficiency (ballpark questimate) You'll be looking at a line that does a bit more 50kCmp/hr with an IC/TH placer that does 3.5kCmp/hr (assuming 10 IC's /TH conn
Electronics Forum | Tue Oct 28 13:00:56 EDT 2008 | exman
ax-5 having problem with pickup problem when the head placement try to pickup the component on the feeder the toolbit will fall off eventdo teach the part center very good but when they pickup it off about one inch happent on ly robot #1 the rest of
Electronics Forum | Sat Nov 29 13:17:24 EST 2008 | exman
ASSEMBLEON AX-5 ax-5 having problem with pickup problem when the head placement try to pickup the component on the feeder the toolbit will fall off eventdo teach the part center very good but when they pickup it off about one inch happent on ly robot
Electronics Forum | Thu Nov 11 02:59:03 EST 2004 | Base
Hi Charlie, In case you're processing large quantities of lumileds you may want to have a look at the Assembleon FS machine. It is an FCM machine of only half the length with some dedicated robots on it. In stead of all Pick&Place robots it 2 dispen
Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 20 11:19:07 EST 2018 | spoiltforchoice
Ahh but you're missing the key points. The YSM40 is in no way ever intended to operate on its own, to keep those 4 heads busy they all need to be placing high volume parts, combined with a high throughput of PCB's probably in dual lane mode which in
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 13 11:55:42 EST 2005 | fasst1
Rob, I also appreciate the banter. It is good to have these discussions with end users in a (hopefully) non sales environment. Philips actually started building Pick and Place machines in 1980 for high volume accounts. They started out because th
Electronics Forum | Thu May 14 10:50:14 EDT 2009 | dnachristen
Hello, New to the site here. Have a few questions regarding Philips (Assembleon) Equipment and program transfer. We need the ability to transfer "Golden Programs" to and from the machines. I'm currently using AMS 2.0 with line control. I hooked up
Electronics Forum | Fri May 24 09:19:02 EDT 2019 | davef
http://www.nordsonselect.com. Accel: Cookson created Speedline after purchasing: MPM®, Electrovert®, Accel®, and Camalot®. In 2003, KPS Special Situations Fund II purchased Speedline from Cookson. In, 2007, Illinois Tool Works ITW acquired Speedlin
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