Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 23 18:17:31 EST 2007 | SMT
Always base your decision based on the need, rather than mearly comparing the specificaiton. The specifications are only indicator and not true performance for a specific application. Mydata and their agilis are good for high mix medium volume produc
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 02 14:41:01 EDT 2001 | Roger
In the U.S. you cannot buy Yamaha machines. Assembleon (previously Phillips) exclusively markets Yamaha machines in the U.S. and names the machines after rocks. I think the YV100 is sold as either the Topaz or Sapphire by Assembleon.
Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 21 07:52:15 EST 2007 | avalancher
Hello! You may want to be more specific whereas each of those companies produce different machines. You have basic introductory machines, and high-end machines. Some provide faster speeds, some provide a wider range of component handling.
Electronics Forum | Sat May 07 11:42:10 EDT 2005 | mrmaint
Have alot of exp. on both mydata and philips/assembleon. My preference would be the assembleon. Maintenance is light and they run forever. New software on assembleon is excellant. Customer support is one of the best i have delt with. mrmaint
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 09 11:56:25 EDT 2015 | mbartel
DEK Horizon 8 w/hawkeye vs JUKI GL-1 ?
Electronics Forum | Thu Apr 28 04:06:16 EDT 2005 | joseluis_amper
Hello, In my case, the time in change the feeders it's not priority. My production it's very changing, variable, and very little batchs, it's because I select this type of machine, but Assembleon says the same about their machines. What's beeter?, no
Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 10:22:49 EDT 2005 | russ
Den, This is not a sales forum.
Electronics Forum | Tue May 03 20:57:37 EDT 2005 | smtuser1234
None taken...but if you are comparing Mydata and Assembleon to Universal just because of ease of use you should probably not buy Universal. It's like buying a palm pilot vs a desktop computer. Close in price but one will do a lot more but you will ne
Electronics Forum | Mon May 01 20:44:33 EDT 2006 | pfifla1
my data have the best feeder design for flexible production, with hydra head they are pretty fast. also their software is fairly easy to use. Juki machines are very reliable, and also flexible but i think for very flexible production mydata is the c
Electronics Forum | Wed May 18 08:47:46 EDT 2005 | vijay1978
Hi. I try to decide in this moment what machine > bye, Mydata o Assembleon (My12 or Emerald > X(i)). In this moment we need to know the > technical problems that has one or the other. Do > you think that is neccessary have a mantenance > contrac