Electronics Forum: asymtek test (Page 1 of 1)

Re: Underfilled CSP mechanical test

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 21:32:15 EDT 2000 | Dave F

Frank: Good luck on finding a specification. The right combination of material properties will greatly improve the lifetime of your flip chip component. Your flip chip supplier might be best starting place to determine underfill properties that ma

Flip Chip Underfil process

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 26 08:49:21 EDT 2003 | caldon

Depends on your Material (Chemistry) and Machine. We use a hot plate with the material in an "L" patern. The Hot plate is used only in aiding the capillary action. Also, is time an issue?? Here is a good paper from Asymtek that was poster in Advan

Questions on underfill process

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 11 10:40:46 EDT 2007 | ramseyn

Jim, Another good resource would be Asymtek (www.asymtek.com) I have had a lot of luck with their dispense equipment for underfilling applications. They have run tests in the past using various methods for our company to determine what type of epoxy

Conformal Coating Equipment - Where to Start?

Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 12 12:01:07 EDT 2009 | sadamson

Hi I work for Asymtek, so you know my affiliation up front. I just want to mention that Asymtek makes conformal coatings sytems from Bench tops to full auto in- line systems. We have applications labs in the USA and around the world to help companie

Asymtek vs. Camalot

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 04 10:43:55 EDT 2005 | glaucon

Machines are simply tools to get the job done. Always do a complete assesment of any new machine with a test vehicle and proper research before you buy. Don't believe the marketing hype. Jet-dispense may work AOK for some things, may not for others

Asymtek vs. Camalot

Electronics Forum | Wed Jul 20 17:04:39 EDT 2005 | pjc

Would you risk your equipment decision on the �opinions� of a small select group of others? I have found this to be the most incorrect way to compare machines. Reason is, you always have two camps, and most have different experiences and applications


asymtek test searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions
ASYMTEK Products | Nordson Electronics Solutions

A leader in automated fluid dispensing, jetting, and conformal coating. Products include stand-alone dispensing workstations and fully automated, in-line conveyorized systems with advanced process controls.


2765 Loker Ave. West
Carlsbad, CA USA

Phone: 760-431-1919