Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 16 16:43:47 EDT 2000 | Steve Thomas
O.K., I give up. I am through trying to solder thermocouples on to 20 mil pitch QFPs. Whether it's my lousy technique (fairly likely), the wrong solder (Kester calls it thermocouple solder, and who am I to argue...it's a Sn10Pb88Ag2 alloy) or just
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 16 22:21:23 EDT 2000 | Dave F
Steve: Two things: 1 Chrys "The Thermo Princess" Shea wrote a great thread on attaching thermocouples that's in the SMTnet archives 2 Dymax (and probably others) makes a uV cureable thermal adhesive that's not a ugly to use as soldering thermal coup
Electronics Forum | Wed Aug 16 17:42:02 EDT 2000 | John Thorup
Hi Steve You really didn't tell us what is going wrong. Not enough heat to melt this hi temp solder (290C/554F)? Too much heat and burning up the pad/board? Thermo falling off? (remove all the original solder) You won't find Loctite 384 all that remo
Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 18 11:50:42 EDT 2000 | Brian W.
I have been using aluminum tape to attach thermocouples lately. I got some when I ordered new thermocouples from KIC. I ran some comparisons using high temp solder and the tape, with no difference. You cut a small square of the tape (approx 1/8" s
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 17 01:31:31 EDT 2000 | Dreamsniper
Steve, I'm using 5 Sn/1.5 Ag/93.5 Pb Solder wire with a melting point of 300 deg. C to connect my thermocouples on smd components for thermal profiling. I'm using a soldering iron with an adjustable temp. to be able to melt my solder wire. Temp is ab
Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 20 16:19:45 EST 2021 | rgduval
In fact, the Attachments section at the bottom of my post specifically says Attachments: None.
Electronics Forum | Thu Aug 05 08:27:44 EDT 2004 | arminski
Hi davef, Can't attach pix. No attachment option.
Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 05 10:25:19 EST 2007 | slthomas
I always do tc attachment myself. I need these people not to hate me. :/
Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 27 08:33:04 EDT 2013 | davef
When I clicked on "attachment" a new page with a box for adding attachments appeared. Try again???
Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 21 14:31:49 EST 2021 | davef
Rob ... I forwarded this to SMTnet Technical ppl Attachments: None