Electronics Forum: attacks (Page 1 of 13)

Immersion Silver Reliability

Electronics Forum | Mon May 24 16:34:03 EDT 2004 | Mark

I just got a report from MacDermid on Solder Mask Interface Attack Issue (SMIA) with Sterling Silver Process. Corrosive chemicals in the ImAg process get trapped under the soldermask edge and eat at the copper trace. They are experimenting with diffe

Lead Free solder

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 24 18:54:36 EST 2009 | gregoryyork

Some companies claimed their lead free solders wouldnt attack stainless steel, frankly they do and they should not be allowed to get away with these claims. Lead Free does not attack Cast iron

Looking for trays to lay boards on in reflow oven

Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 10 13:37:03 EDT 2019 | slthomas

How wide is this board? I ask because if it's not terribly wide, you might just be better off attacking the problem with the profile rather than attacking the board conveyor design.

Squeegee angles

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 13 22:27:45 EST 2006 | davef

adjustable angle of attack squeegee

raw copper on pcb

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 07 05:11:42 EDT 2012 | cp38260

Hi, I have pcbs (Duroid/RT 5880) with raw copper, soldered in vapour-phase chamber at 230 degrees Celsius. During soldering, copper gets tarnished. Cleaning with Vigon A250 removes the tarnished layer. Indeed, in the VigonA250 techn. datasheet it is

Squeegee angles

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 14 09:54:34 EST 2006 | slthomas

"45* is a common angle of attack. Squeegee blades are commonly manufactured at 60*. The combination of the angle of attack and the blade angle results in an actual printing angle between the two due to down pressure and flex of the blade." Ahhhh, so

Insufficient Heel Fillets on plastic 240 pin QFPs

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 22 16:06:22 EST 2001 | dblsixes

Our next plan of attack is to dog-bone the solder aperature. By reducing the width of the solder paste at the heel, we hope to slow the flow up the leg of the pin while the temperature of the pad catches up. We have boards that were HASL ...

Lead Cleaning

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 24 11:44:20 EDT 1999 | Matt Stump

I am looking for a way to clean solder off of QFP packages. I'm thinking a chemical method would be easy, as long as the chemistry doesn't attack the leads themselves, or the package. Any suggestions?

Dye Penetration test for area array package failure analysis

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 12 20:41:24 EDT 2001 | arul2000

Thanks David.I do not have any specific failure analysis to do now. But, like to use this technique in future. Appreciate your composure even during this time of unprecedented attacks. Regards, Arul

BGA rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 26 16:59:11 EDT 2004 | babe

Any concerns on the IR in melting connectors etc. simply cover the part with aluminum foil. That will prevent any heat from attacking the component. The Ersa unit is in my mind the best bang for the buck.

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