Electronics Forum: atx (Page 1 of 1)

Electrovert Leadfree Modifications

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 22 09:15:38 EST 2005 | bronco

Thanks for all replies. We cleared that our Electrovert machine does not require modifications for leadfree. We are looking for somebody who can modify our EPM 420 ATX machine.

Electrovert Leadfree Modifications

Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 19 02:35:56 EST 2005 | bronco

Hello! My company is going to switch to leadfree production. We have Electrovert EconoPak Gold and EPM 420 ATX wavesoldering machines and Heller 1700W, Heller 1800W reflows. We are interested in a company (in Europe) which can modify our soldering i

Quad IVc Feeder Base Electrical

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 16 00:47:47 EST 2012 | ngineer

I have two new quad feeder bases and feeders (my machine came with none to start, and I can't find any electrical information on them. I have 4 pins at the each end (total of 4 connectors. And are in a 4 pin connector which looks identical to a sta


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