Electronics Forum: austin american hydrojet (Page 1 of 10)

Foam in the wash

Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 12 18:48:49 EDT 2007 | mefloump

We seem to have an overwhelming amount of foam produced in the initial rinse portion of our wash (enough to cause it to overflow). We are using an Austin American Hydrojet Mach III Inline Cleaner. To my understanding the first rinse of the boards is

Foam in inline wash

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 14 14:08:44 EST 2023 | hhudson

Good Morning, I'm a relatively new engineer, and i've been experiencing a lot of anomalies when it comes to our inline wash. We have an Austin American Hydrojet, and no matter how many times i clean the tank, it still foams like crazy! its been happe

Foam in inline wash

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 21 09:23:35 EDT 2024 | alishakihn

Good morning! I'm sorry to hear about the anomalies you're experiencing with your inline wash. Dealing with foaming issues can be challenging, but I'll do my best to provide some suggestions to help you troubleshoot the problem. 1. Check the Water Q

Austin American model9700 board cleaner

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 10:54:23 EDT 2007 | Mike Konrad

Have you tried contacting the owner of Austin American Technology? His name is Steve Stach email: sstach@aat-corp.com 512-756-4150 Mike Konrad konrad@aqueoustech.com

ECD 6300 Manual

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 18 12:43:13 EST 2004 | Mike Konrad

Contact Austin American at (512)335-6400 Mike

EMC / Austin American 9300 board washer ????

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 24 18:19:27 EST 2007 | Glenn

Ive got one call me at 903-892-5636 Glenn

Austin American Batch Cleaner Parts

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 07 15:54:00 EDT 2015 | emanuel

Any idea where can we get parts for a 9200 batch cleaner?

Austin American Batch Cleaner Parts

Electronics Forum | Mon Sep 07 17:10:38 EDT 2015 | davef

Look here: http://www.smtnet.com/parts/

Flux residue on connector pins

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 01 16:52:57 EDT 2004 | Shean Dalton

Hi Chen, This is largely dependent on what type of chemistry can successfully remove the residue, while being compatible with your cleaning equipment. Austin American Technology is happy to help you determine this, please contact me offline to disc

Austin American Regristration Fee

Electronics Forum | Wed Sep 20 16:05:09 EDT 2006 | ppminc

Does anyone know if it is legal to not sell parts to a customer without paying a $1,500 registration fee? I can understand if I needed technical support. I am referring to Austin American. We sell refurbished equipment & I needed a few parts & a manu

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