Electronics Forum: austin american technology x-40a stencil cleaner (Page 1 of 4)

Stencil and board Ultrasonic cleaner

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 01 12:57:51 EST 2006 | wheels_in_the_well

There are several makes of stencil cleaning equipment. The previous post mentioned, Aqueous Tech (www.aqueoustech.com). Others of long standing high reputation are EMC Global (www.emcgti.com), Austin American Technology (www.aat-corp.com), and Tech

Best PCB batch cleaner

Electronics Forum | Thu Jan 09 15:40:58 EST 2014 | davef

Batch cleaner Aqueous Technologies, 9055 Rancho Park Ct, Rancho Cucamonga, CA 91730; 909-944-7771 F909-944-7775 aqueoustech.com Austin American Technology; 12201 Technology Blvd, Austin, TX 78727; 512-35-6400 F512-335-5753 aat-corp.com EMC Global Tec

Austin American model9700 board cleaner

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 10:54:23 EDT 2007 | Mike Konrad

Have you tried contacting the owner of Austin American Technology? His name is Steve Stach email: sstach@aat-corp.com 512-756-4150 Mike Konrad konrad@aqueoustech.com

Austin American model9700 board cleaner

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 03 09:47:12 EDT 2007 | ck_the_flip

Here's is a great thread Stencil Cleaners: http://www.smtnet.com//forums/index.cfm?fuseaction=view_thread&CFApp=1&Thread_ID=3026&#Message12325

Researching stencil cleaners

Electronics Forum | Tue Mar 27 15:15:32 EST 2001 | Mike Konrad

SmartSonic states that they will not sell their 440R chemistry unless it will be used with their machines. But to answer your question, the following manufacturers make ultrasonic stencil cleaners compatible with 440R and many other chemistries. Aq

Automatic stencil cleaning system

Electronics Forum | Sun Mar 03 08:12:12 EST 2024 | dimamalin

Hello everyone, our choices are between: 1.Aqube MV3 One (Kolb Cleaning Technology) 2.X30 (Austin American Technology) 3.N29AUTO (MBtech) 4.Inget 388 CRD-2PR (DCT) 5.MiniSWASH (PBT) Any opinions, suggestions, and comments regarding this choice


Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 19 13:24:06 EDT 1998 | Wayne

Take a look at Austin american Technology Corp. and feel free to contact Jon Phelps, (800_ 454-2448. Wayne

Cheapest But Effective Stencil Cleaner?

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 25 19:27:11 EDT 2008 | Mike Konrad

There are a number of �low cost� stencil cleaners available. I am a manufacturer of one but I'll list a variety and let the others provide editorial on which is best. Basically, there are three technologies, manual cleaning (solvents and wipes), ul

Re: Stencil Cleaners

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 08 20:45:32 EST 2000 | Dave Rygwalski

We are using Austin American Technologies with Petroferm solutions and have excellent results using the same two types of solvents for cleaning stencils, adhesives and miss print boards. I average about five hundred cleaning cycles before we have the


Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 18 13:41:14 EDT 1998 | Mike Konrad

May I suggest that you visit Aqueous Technologies On-Line at www.aqueoustech.com. We manufacture stencil cleaning systems for your application at prices under $ 10K. Other manufacturers include: Smart Sonics EMC Austin American If you need phone num

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