Electronics Forum: autodesk civil design (Page 1 of 1)

PCB software choices for a beginner in PCB design field

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 25 02:17:20 EDT 2017 | tsvetan

Out of these only Eagle and KiCad are capable to do designs above basic amateurish level. Eagle is in great decline since they were aquired by Autodesk and changed their licensee policy. I'm biased but KiCad will be good choice for long term - alw

Design For Manufacturing, Design Rule Check Software

Electronics Forum | Sun May 19 16:54:48 EDT 2024 | wijim

FAB 3000 - This software offers a comprehensive suite of tools for Gerber editing, panelization, and DFM verification. It's designed to be user-friendly and includes features for SMT stencil pad creation, advanced DRC/DFM checks, and more. Cadence Al


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