Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 11 17:36:44 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist
You are looking for a complete SMT assembly line plus possible X-Ray inspection and rework equipment. The 3 components of the SMT line are stencil printer, pick-n-place machine and reflow oven. How small are your components? 0603? 0402? What is the
Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 30 10:42:40 EDT 2021 | oxygensmd
I have a customer who ask close to prototyping jobs with low volume and high-mix components. A regular job have around 5-30 pieces board but have high quantity and many type of components. All the time over 1000 pieces of parts on board from 250-350
Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 19 22:53:40 EDT 2006 | casey71
Dear Tim. It is nice to meet you online. I am very glad to introduce one korean company producing various depanelling machine. This company has installed more than 100 units in NOKIA mobile phone line located at Masan in Korea. If you need more i
Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 21 02:57:49 EDT 2019 | pauljohnson
My friend said DH-A2 rework station is popular and stable.You can learn more about it. https://www.amazon.co.uk/Dinghua-Automatic-Motherboard-Repairing-Replacement/dp/B00K081DJY/ref=sr_1_7?keywords=bga+machine&qid=1553151363&s=gateway&sr=8-7
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 28 12:33:01 EDT 2000 | Elfego Sanchez
Hi! Guys. I'm working in a SMT area and I want to have the best SMT line. What I want to know is: what would be the line configuration of a perfect SMT line?( automated solder printer-visual or automatic paste inspection-chip placement machine-IC pla
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 28 12:32:27 EDT 2000 | Elfego Sanchez
Hi! Guys. I'm working in a SMT area and I want to have the best SMT line. What I want to know is: what would be the line configuration of a perfect SMT line?( automated solder printer-visual or automatic paste inspection-chip placement machine-IC pla
Electronics Forum | Fri Mar 18 14:18:48 EST 2005 | pmd
The last time we had field service on our GSM the UIC tech installed a command in the boot sequence that automatically deletes all segreps every time the machine is re-booted. Contact UIC and they can probably help you with this. Our machine crashes
Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 08 13:16:06 EDT 2013 | unisoft
Take a look at the Unisoft software ( http://www.unisoft-cim.com ). For over 25 years this software has in use by Electronics Manufacturer CEM/EMS's and OEM's to automate New Product Introduction (NPI). It's perfect for Electronic Contract Manufact
Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 10 15:41:59 EDT 1998 | Chrys
| Is a machine available to straighten QFP legs | Where? | How much? | Anygood? Ben, Texas Instruments makes a way cool machine for straightening bent QPF leads. It's totally automatic. It'll pick'em out of waffle trays, do a vision inspect for, "t
Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 03 23:59:44 EDT 2018 | gaintstar
Flason SMT problem solving: http://www.flason-smt.com/new/PRINCIPLE-OF-SURFACE-MOUNT-PROCESS-SMT-PROCESS.html http://www.flason-smt.com/new/Printed-Circuit-Board-PCB-Price-Estimator.html http://www.flason-smt.com/new/Printed-Circuit-Board-Solder-res