Electronics Forum | Sat Jun 17 04:07:49 EDT 2017 | arachid
Hi, i have a quad 4c, i like to know is it posible to add an automatic paste dispencer for this pick and place machine? if yes every body can helpme to find one and find how to install it? Thanks
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:57:44 EDT 2017 | tnisbet
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 11:53:22 EDT 2017 | westshoredesign
Out of curiosity, are these compatible with all C series models?
Electronics Forum | Tue Jun 27 08:53:43 EDT 2017 | westshoredesign
PPM, like mentioned above. You'll find they have most, if not all parts you'll ever need. http://ppmparts.com/spares/pickplace/quad/
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 21:17:41 EDT 2017 | arachid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbQK3-JwUNQ > https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wbQK3-JwUNQ Hi, where can i get price and where i can buy the kit.6 Thanks
Electronics Forum | Fri Jun 23 13:02:45 EDT 2017 | arachid
Hi, where can i get price and where i can buy the kit?Thanks
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:53:27 EDT 2017 | tnisbet
Hi, Yes you can add a paste dispenser to the Quad 4C. The system will dispense DOTS and DOT patterns, no lines. We sell kits to add the dispenser. It takes about 4hours to install the kit. We also sell Camalot dispensers, benchtop & floor models. w
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 09:47:01 EDT 2017 | dleeper
Quad made an auger style dispenser that mounted to the pick and place head. A long time ago, in CM far far away, I tried to add one to a Quad 4C but could never get the damn thing to work. The folks at PPM http://www.goppm.com/ might be able to he
Electronics Forum | Mon Jun 19 08:49:40 EDT 2017 | westshoredesign
Just buy a separate machine to apply paste. You'll be able to run faster, (by doing more at the same time) and you can probably find an air-over-syringe system for less than $2000USD. At the end of the day, that's probably less than you'll spend in t
Electronics Forum | Sat Apr 12 04:07:21 EDT 2008 | sessioc
Good Point. Also, what about the type of solder paste your using - Are you getting a good release from the stencil? What do your boards look like after you print?