Electronics Forum: automatic soldering machine sinrad (Page 1 of 12)

Low cost automatic pick and place

Electronics Forum | Thu Feb 18 14:42:38 EST 2010 | djsmith1000

Hi everyone, First post here. I am completely new to smt as well. We are a small startup and would like improve our in-house smt assembly capability from manual assembly. We are looking at small production runs, initially about a total of 200 board

UltraSonic cleaning machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 26 14:03:55 EDT 2002 | Randy V

There are allot of issue to washing that need to be considered before you purchase a washer. But to answer your question regarding ultrasonic cleaning: 1. Ultrasonics with the correct frequency will not damage most components. Washing in general can

selective soldering machines

Electronics Forum | Thu Jun 03 17:43:34 EDT 2004 | g2garyg2

Hi Doug, Read your inquiry. My company PRO-MATION has some exciting technologies available for both top side and bottom side selective laser soldering. Our work cells are great for low volume / high mix environments and are capble for both Tin Lead

Leadfree dip soldering

Electronics Forum | Thu May 05 03:22:38 EDT 2005 | Hannu

I do not mean big, heavy transformers but rather small ferrite core transformers, with ferrites in the range of EF16 .. EF40. The weight of the lead and its percentage of the total weight is not the issue here. We simply do not want lead-containing t

small and good pick and place machine

Electronics Forum | Thu Sep 05 23:18:03 EDT 2013 | feiyangniao

There is a new toy I received today: a NeoDen TM-240A automatic desktop pick and place machine! I’ve kept my eyes on this baby for a quite a while, and finally decided to make a purchase last week. The shipping was very fast: DHL from China, a total

Re: Automatic site cleaning machine for BGA rework

Electronics Forum | Mon Jan 18 19:42:42 EST 1999 | Dean

| Need recommendation for Automatic site cleaning machine for BGA rework. (after component removal). | | Advice on BGA reballing equipment/methods is needed. | | thanks a lot | | Lin | Check out SRT (Sierra Research Technologies). Their solder sc

Who ever seen the PCB rack (Magazine) cleaning machine ?

Electronics Forum | Thu Mar 30 07:10:56 EDT 2017 | nickywan

I have a problem with some particle, dust and solder paste contaminate on PCB rack and need to clean up once a week by manual. Now looking for the equipment to do Inline cleaning with water jet & Hot air Dry concept. Not too big machine and concept l

Need low cost pick and place machine for limited production

Electronics Forum | Tue Aug 11 17:36:44 EDT 2009 | dyoungquist

You are looking for a complete SMT assembly line plus possible X-Ray inspection and rework equipment. The 3 components of the SMT line are stencil printer, pick-n-place machine and reflow oven. How small are your components? 0603? 0402? What is the

Moisture absorption in the solder paste

Electronics Forum | Mon Nov 07 07:43:56 EST 2005 | pjc

No way I've ever heard to remove mositure from solderpaste. What is the R.H. in your factory? Are you in the tropics? Does you printer have an enclosed print area like on an automatic machine, or is it semi-automatic and exposed to the room air?

Solder Balling Machines

Electronics Forum | Wed Feb 03 17:39:41 EST 1999 | Rich Croteau

Name of equipment that automatically does the solderballing. Pads are .010" on .050" pitch

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