Electronics Forum: automatic stencils printer (Page 1 of 135)

automatic stencil printers

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 13:30:16 EDT 1999 | Bill Bannister

We are looking to automate the paste printing portion of our SMT process. We are looking at used equipment from DEK and MPM from 1994 onward.(DEK 260 & 265 MPM AP20 & AP27) Does anyone have some feedback or concerns with any of these machines? Does t

Re: automatic stencil printers

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 13:58:50 EDT 1999 | JohnW

| We are looking to automate the paste printing portion of our SMT process. We are looking at used equipment from DEK and MPM from 1994 onward.(DEK 260 & 265 MPM AP20 & AP27) Does anyone have some feedback or concerns with any of these machines? Does

Re: automatic stencil printers

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 16:50:20 EDT 1999 | Boca

| We are looking to automate the paste printing portion of our SMT process. We are looking at used equipment from DEK and MPM from 1994 onward.(DEK 260 & 265 MPM AP20 & AP27) Does anyone have some feedback or concerns with any of these machines? Does

Re: automatic stencil printers

Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 13 14:03:33 EDT 1999 | Earl Moon

| We are looking to automate the paste printing portion of our SMT process. We are looking at used equipment from DEK and MPM from 1994 onward.(DEK 260 & 265 MPM AP20 & AP27) Does anyone have some feedback or concerns with any of these machines? Does

Used automatic stencil print recommendations

Electronics Forum | Fri Apr 04 18:08:26 EDT 2008 | comatose

We are a small OEM that runs a high mix/low volume environment. Typical runs are a couple or five hundred boards, one or two products per day. Currently, we are using a Quad DeHart SLC-20 semi-automatic stencil printer. (alignment is manual, printing

Used automatic stencil print recommendations

Electronics Forum | Mon Apr 07 14:57:25 EDT 2008 | realchunks

What tells you your screen printer is at fault?

Re: Polyimide stencils

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 21 12:01:22 EDT 1999 | jseagle

| To all who will be potentially my salvation, | | I am currently researching Polyimide stencils for possible use and manufacture. If I may be indulged - with due reference to all past enquiries and notes on the subject - can anyone offer an up to d

Smallest screen printer semi/auto

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 03 16:35:03 EDT 2021 | smtusa

We are big mpm fans especially the UP2000/2500 dos based. I just got an MPM SP2000 but feel thats too big. I would like something even smaller for an office setup. I looked up the MV100 and it came up with a pic of Quad. It looked pretty big in p

SPC on stencil printer

Electronics Forum | Tue Jan 12 16:16:21 EST 1999 | Sanjay Bhatikar

For process management with SPC of the stencil printing process with a fully automatic stencil printer, what process outpur parameter would you recommend for SPC? It appears to me that there are two options: A: to have a pn chart based upon the % of

Smallest screen printer semi/auto

Electronics Forum | Fri Nov 05 07:14:04 EDT 2021 | oxygensmd

The question is that what do you want? An automatic/semi-automatic machine or a hand-prototyping printer? Using metal-sheet or complete (framed) stencil? Manual printing: For example, Eurocircuit's eC-stencil is pretty nice or there are cheap hand-s

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