Electronics Forum: automation (Page 1 of 113)

production line automation

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 09 19:27:10 EDT 2010 | rway

I am looking at using a bridge handler with our ICT machine. Does anyone have any experience with this equipment or have done something similar on your own? I need advice on what works best and companies and/or contacts that can provide the best af

Re: Robot

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 05 09:04:21 EST 2000 | CAL

Stein Automation and/or Cyclone Automation (SAME contact information) Stan Pollack 440-498-8244 Cal

automated opportunity counting for PPM defective

Electronics Forum | Wed Nov 24 13:13:25 EST 2004 | William Rodriguez

Does anyone know of any automated methods/software that can be used to count opportunities for defect?

Automated or Semi-Automated Thermal Gel Application

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 23 03:45:55 EDT 2019 | ixqprint

I will send it to you later.

SMT Automation Training

Electronics Forum | Mon May 13 07:17:58 EDT 2019 | rajsharma

Automation is the technology by which a process or procedure is performed with minimal human assistance.[1] Automation [2] or automatic control is the use of various control systems for operating equipment such as machinery, processes in factories, b

Automated Depanel - Tabs or Scores?

Electronics Forum | Wed Jan 22 11:21:30 EST 2020 | dontfeedphils

To clarify a bit, I'm looking for opinions in regards to automated routing, both tab and scored. If we end up doing a majority of our layouts scored then we'll go with an automated saw for that. That's the question though, has anyone used one of th

BGA Reballing Machines

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 21 21:34:07 EST 2005 | Steve

Don't know of anything really automated, Winslow Automation offers solder spheres on water soluble tape and a company called the Waveroom Plus in NH offers a machine reasonably priced but it is not automated. There are companies out there that offer

Automated Inspection vs Manual Inspection

Electronics Forum | Mon Jul 31 18:22:03 EDT 2023 | emeto

Complexity and volume are the main items in consideration. If you build automotive. they probably won't accept manual inspection only. They will require full automated traceability and 100% automated product inspection plan, before they hire you.

Automation Solutions for Robotic Assembly in SMT

Electronics Forum | Wed Oct 04 07:43:24 EDT 2017 | sukanyadg

Hi, So we are looking to automate a factory. We already have SMT assembly using robotic assembly line. Can anyone suggest or connect me to someone with technical expertise to implement this complete solution? We want to automate and also enhance th

Automated Inspection vs Manual Inspection

Electronics Forum | Fri Jul 28 20:45:06 EDT 2023 | calebcsmt

What is the main considerations when comparing if production should use AOI vs Manual inspection? Is it only volume/time based? (of course assuming the reliability of automation is as good, if not better than humans) So long as AOI can produce reli

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automation searches for Companies, Equipment, Machines, Suppliers & Information

Count On Tools, Inc.
Count On Tools, Inc.

COT specializes in high quality SMT nozzles and consumables for pick and place machines. We provide special engineering design service of custom nozzles for those unique and odd components.


2481 Hilton Drive
Gainesville, GA USA

Phone: (770) 538-0411

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