Electronics Forum: automotive applications (Page 1 of 4)

Ionograph testing

Electronics Forum | Mon Aug 02 11:11:01 EDT 2004 | tberkey

I am running no clean boards for automotive applications. We have continued to use a cleanliness test as part of our control plan.I am wondering if anyone has been able to eliminate the cleanliness test due to the use of no clean materials?

High Temp Solder Application

Electronics Forum | Tue Nov 07 14:31:01 EST 2000 | John

My company manufactures a board for a heavy duty automotive application. One of the through hole parts on the board dissipates enough heat that it requires high temp solder. Does anyone know of or have experience with a high quality selective solde

lifetime tests of PCB markings

Electronics Forum | Sun Sep 26 06:17:58 EDT 1999 | Guido Vogel

Writing the final report for my engineering studies (microsystem technology) I'm treating the identification of PCBs from automotive applications by laser marking with a data matrix code. No I'm trying to set up a programme of how to test the lifet

BGA underfill necessary with conformal coat?

Electronics Forum | Tue Apr 02 11:21:46 EST 2002 | BTaylor

davef I assume this question is for my reply and me. We used a dexter\hysol underfill and a Camalot 5700 to dispense.Single line technique next to a small IC with 14 bumps around the perimeter.The conformal coating was applied with a small brush aro

In-Circuit Automation

Electronics Forum | Tue Feb 02 12:43:01 EST 1999 | Rich Cary

My company produces a mixed technology control unit for automotive applications. We recently purchased an automated handler for our GENRAD in-circuit testing equipment and have encountered a challenge. We have several through hole components that,

Ceramic capacitors cracking

Electronics Forum | Sat Feb 15 06:40:14 EST 2003 | Hans Koerner, Germany

It is a serius problem with that mulilayer ceramic caps! In automotive applications you have to use 2 in series for one single cap. During depanelizing you create a mechanically wave in the board, so 3.. 4 mm. Best way is not to do such a wrong desig

Solder Ball Criteria

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 16 01:57:54 EDT 2009 | ivalerio

Hi Guys Could you give me the standard criteria that is being followed for solder ball in PCBA. I am aware that we have an IPC standard but still that is generic in nature. I need a one that is applicable for automotive industry.

IPC Conference Raises New Lead-free Reliability Concerns

Electronics Forum | Wed Apr 18 09:14:17 EDT 2007 | blnorman

For years all our R&D for high temp applications (automotive underhood electronics) has shown that Pb-free, at our max temps, doesn't have the reliability of SnPb. Fortunately, for us, EoLV (End of Life Vehicle) legislation in Europe was enacted bef

AOI false fail PPM

Electronics Forum | Fri Aug 08 13:21:14 EDT 2008 | RobP

With AOI it really depends on what you are testing. Not only what criteria, but what different types of components. We run a high volume low mix application for automotive checking for presense, positional accuracy, and all solder joints. We curre

LED lifted soldering defect

Electronics Forum | Fri Dec 20 00:10:55 EST 2019 | sssamw

Not really, if this is a normal consumer electronics, could be no big issue. Anyway flux residue provide ions and the substance absorb water or moisture. If for automotive or space, could have high risk, it depends your application.

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