Electronics Forum: autosplice multisert machine (Page 1 of 1)

Automatic pin header breaker?

Electronics Forum | Thu Jul 05 16:32:54 EDT 2012 | jorge_quijano

I have never use it, but I know autosplice has machines that can break them automatically, I don know how they work but I know that some people in my area use these machines for the same process as you. Hope it helps.

RF Shields

Electronics Forum | Mon Mar 12 13:13:11 EDT 2007 | jseagle

We are going to try clips from Autosplice, the small clips come on tape and reel which are placed by the machine and then reflowed. After reflow we install the shield.

Re: small metallic bridging

Electronics Forum | Tue Dec 14 12:41:56 EST 1999 | Kris W

Glen, Although the previous answers probably fit the problem you are having, we recently found that during pin insertion on an Autosplice machine, the gold was flaking from the pins and lodging between the legs of surface mount components. It would


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