Electronics Forum | Sat Mar 13 12:35:40 EST 1999 | Bryan Bloom
San Diego electronic assembly company available for acquisition. 2Million in gross sales. email bbloom@san.rr.com for more information.
Electronics Forum | Wed May 31 10:23:13 EDT 2006 | aj
Hi All, What does one do if he meets the criteria above? Is there an exemption ? aj...
Electronics Forum | Tue Jul 06 04:08:11 EDT 2004 | Pad2Pad.com
Hi All, A new version of Pad2Pad 1.3.0 is available for download. It contains multiple new price-time combinations. The list of parts and footprints is extended with DIP sockets, diodes, electrolytic SMT capacitors, popular transistors and ICs. Yo
Electronics Forum | Wed May 31 12:17:10 EDT 2006 | jbrower
Hey aj, Well, the quick answer is you're probalbly srewed if the customs agents find out that your product isn't RoHS compliant or if yor competition rats you out. I wouldn't bet on any exemptions for consumer goods for quite awhile if ever. The m
Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 23:31:07 EDT 2015 | sjkf
Thank you for pointing out the realistic direction !
Electronics Forum | Thu Oct 22 16:36:04 EDT 1998 | Michael Bryant @ SMTnet
The new SMTnet brochure is now available for download in Adobe Acrobat .PDF format. It's around 2 MB so be prepared if you have a dial-up connection. We will be adding links to a desription page with the download location tomorrow on various parts of
Electronics Forum | Mon May 11 09:37:12 EDT 2015 | sjkf
Hi! Can anybody tell me if AOI in line can be the rational for not validating SMT line processes?
Electronics Forum | Tue May 12 03:52:48 EDT 2015 | comatose
Sure! Everybody knows you can inspect in quality. That's the number one rule. Don't let anyone tell you otherwise.
Electronics Forum | Wed May 27 10:51:25 EDT 2015 | markhoch
(sarcasm font begin) That's right! That's why we put TEN AOI's in line. In series. Just so we'd never have another defect. ;) (Sarcasm font end)
Electronics Forum | Thu May 28 02:11:52 EDT 2015 | sjkf
Hi Alexei, We have met in the past ( simona - PCB ) Thank you for this input, I might consider it !